Chaper 11 - Coming Clean

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Thankfully, the day seemed to pass rather quickly.
Before I knew it, I was heading to the Bell Tower Entrance to meet Sebastian, just like the day we went to Hogsmeade.

When I got there, I looked down the stairs to see him standing in the same spot, giving me a warm sense of Deja Vu.
He spotted me and smiled, causing butterflies to accompany the feeling. I practically felt like I was floating.
But I couldn't let it distract me from the task at hand.

I made my way down the stairs and walked over to him.
"If it isn't my charge" he greeted, clearly having the same flashback to that eventful day.
"Are you ready to do this?" I asked, trying to mister whatever courage I could, nerves beginning to form in the pit of my stomach.
"Yep, but I'm not the one who has to ask" he shrugged, beginning to walk out of the entrance.

"I haven't even thought about what I'm going to say..." I admitted, my mind wondering as it tripped over the countless ways I could go about this.
Sebastian noticed as he gave me a playfully nudged my shoulder with his own.
I looked up to be met with an encouraging smile.
"You'll know when the time comes. You're more persuasive than you think." He tried to encourage me, but it only made me roll my eyes.
"I don't really want to persuade anyone. I'm dreading the answer more than anything." I grumbled.
"Well, whatever their decision, you still have me." He said.
I knew that was meant to assure me, and it did in ways he would never know.
But it also terrified me.
It terrified me more than anything the others could say.

As we finally approached the North Gate, I noticed a familiar figure waiting by it.
I squinted my eyes for a moment before realising who it was.
"Is that Ominis?" I asked Sebastian, to which he nodded.
"Yes. I told him to meet us at the gate." He explained
"Oh. Okay" I said, trying to hide the disappointment I had from assuming we'd have a nice walk together, since I had told Natty and Poppy to meet me at the Three Broomsticks.
Now I was scared that they would squabble again.

"Hello, Ominis" I greeted as we reached the gate, slightly hesitant to how he would react given the last time we spoke.
He seemed surprised by my voice, straightening himself as he faced Sebastian and I.
"Hello" he said quickly before hanging his head slightly, beginning to kick the floor nervously.
"Before we head to Hogsmeade, I would just like to apologise for what happened in the undercroft, Emerald." he continued, causing me to blink in surprise.
In all honesty, I had expected him to still be mad.

"It's okay, I understand. It was a lot to process. If anything, I should be the one to apologise." I insisted, but Ominis just shook his head.
"It's no excuse. You didn't choose this, so it is unfair for me to be mad about it. So from here onwards, I will work to be a better friend to you..." he paused for a moment "both of you".
I looked at Sebastian, seeing his eyes soften as he heard Ominis' words.
"Thank you, Ominis. I promise to be someone worthy of your friendship from now on." his voice was filled with gratitude, truly showing Ominis just how much this meant to him.

Ominis adjusted himself awkwardly, not knowing how to respond to the sincerity.
"Good. Now that has been said, why exactly are we having a meeting at the Three Broomsticks? Is the undercroft not suitable for you both anymore?" Ominis asked.
I shot Sebastian a confused glare.
"You didn't tell him?" I questioned, to which Sebastian held his hands up in defence.
"I didn't know how much you wanted me to tell" he shot back quickly.
"Tell me what?" Ominis interjected, causing Sebastian and I to look back at him.
"I have something I need to share about my power. And we decided that the undercroft wasn't the best idea given how Natsai Onai and Poppy Sweeting are joining us." I explained, earning a slight look of surprise from Ominis.
I half expected him to ask why, or any sort of follow up, but he just simply nodded with a small "okay" before turning and holding up his wand, walking out of the gate.
Maybe I was just too used to Sebastian and his constant questioning.
The walk was somewhat quiet as we made our way to Hogsmeade.
There was the occasional small talk, but nothing extraordinary.
I actually quite enjoyed the silence.
I looked around as the wind blew some of the Autumn leaves across the ground, giving me a sudden but welcomed chill.
I looked up the road to see the lights from Hogsmeade brighten the dark sky as they danced and flickered in tune with the town's movement.
It seemed so magical at this hour.

Echoes of Emotion (Sebastian Sallow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now