Chapter 3 - Checkmate

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When we finally entered the common room, I couldn't help but immediately glance around the room, searching for wherever Sebastian may be. Both excitement and dread filled me as I did so, both praying for him to be there and not.
However, I was quickly pulled away from this as I heard the first years making a commotion at the windows. Even though they were supposed to be going to their rooms, someone had clearly let out the yearly gag that you could see mermaids. So, of course, they were ecstatic. Yet one voice in particular stood out to me.

"My father said that this has been a joke since he was here, and he never saw one in seven years" Hunter stated, earning a groan from the other first years. I smiled sadly, it seemed like father hadn't changed, ruining the fun before it began, and Hunter hadn't either, thinking he was being helpful, with father being his role model.
I couldn't help but get a sinking feeling in my stomach, nausea quickly following. Flashbacks emerged as I was reminded of these times just by Hunter's simple words. Memories I wanted so badly to keep locked away.
The room seemed like it was spinning, but all I could focus on was Hunter. How much he looked like father now, how much he sounded like him. Praying that he didn't act even more like him other than his words.
Just then, Hunter looked over, catching me staring. He seemed just as surprised as I was in the great hall, refusing to look away as we silently held each other's gaze for what seemed like a lifetime. He looked like he was debating coming over, or giving and sort of acknowledgement, good or bad, and I could tell straight away why that was. He was told not to speak to me.

Suddenly, the room went dark. I thought I may have finally passed out, I certainly felt ready to do so, but I could definitely still hear everything around me.
"Guess who" a warm familiar voice teased, slightly adjusting the hands they put over my eyes.
To say I was caught off guard was an understatement, yet I couldn't help but smile as the excitement from before triumphed over the dread.

"Hmm... let me guess" I smiled, playing along with this little game of his.
"The second best dualist" I laughed, earning a slight chuckle from him.
He removed his hands from my face, which allowed me to finally turn around and look at him.
For some reason, I was expecting him to have changed, but he was exactly the same. Same hair, same face, same clothes, and same mischievous look. It was comforting.
"For now. Let's just wait until our lessons to see if that is still the case" he grinned cockily
"Long time no see" he continued, clearly trying to address the awkward fact that we had not spoken in months.
I looked away for a moment, thinking about the last time I saw him. I was glad that he seemed better, even if it was a friendly act.
"Yes, it has been a while. I hope your summer treated you well" realising I repeated what I said in my letter, I couldn't help but want to ask about it, but Sebastian beat me to it.
"It did. Considering the circumstances. I am sorry for not replying, I wanted the next time we spoke to be in person as I had something I wished to speak about."
I nodded, encouraging him to tell me, but he just looked around the common room at all the people still lingering about.
"It is best not to speak about it here. How about we head to the undercroft?" he whispered, leaning in slightly so no one heard. I nodded sharply, to which he then smiled gratefully before turning around and heading for the common room exit.
I went to follow him, but as I did, I couldn't help but glance back at Hunter.
To my surprise, he was still looking over at me, which made me freeze once again.

We only held our gaze for a moment, as Hunter seemed to be glancing at Sebastian as well, clearly wondering where he was going, or why he was speaking to me.
Finally, he stayed focused on me, narrowing his eyes, giving me a sharp nod, then turning back towards the window where the other first years were still in awe.
I didn't quite know how to take that, it seemed neither cold nor warm, but I decided it was better than nothing.
I quickly caught up to Sebastian at the top of the stairs, seeing that he had a slightly puzzled expression.
"What was that about?" he questioned, motioning towards Hunter, meaning he had definitely seen what happened, but I was convinced that now was definitely not the time for all of that, so I shook my head dismissively.
"Nothing to worry about. Let's go"
And with that, we casted the disillusionment charm, and headed to the undercroft.
The undercroft looked the exact same as the last time I was here. The last time I saw Sebastian.
I hadn't dared to come back here after that, feeling like there was too much history to the place. However, now that I was here, it actually felt nice. Familiar.
Maybe because Sebastian was here.

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