Chapter 24 - Slytherin's Locket

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After speaking to Ominis, we decided to split up.
Sebastian and Ominis headed back to our common room to retrieve the locket.
Meanwhile, I went to find Natty and Poppy.

I suspected that they may still be in the Great Hall, so as soon as we left the Undercroft, I immediately made my way there.
As I did, I couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt wash over me as I replayed the scene before in the Great Hall.
They had seemed so happy to be back.
So carefree.
I didn't want to take that bliss away from them so soon.
But what choice did I have now?
After everything Ominis had done, we owed it to him.

When I finally reached the doors, I didn't hesitate to open them, that thought now playing on a loop.
He put himself back in that house.
He put himself back in their grasp.
I knew how hard it was to put everything aside, and just for a locket.
The least we could do was get this over with.

When I entered, the Great Hall was practically empty, with small groups of students still dotted on the tables.
Thankfully, one of those groups was Natty, Poppy, Garreth, and Blaine.
They still seemed to be having a nice talk, with Garreth telling them some story, throwing his hands in the air, which no doubt meant he was talking about another concoction.
I smiled at the thought, before turning it into a laugh as I saw Poppy's mortified reaction.
Yet, it quickly faded as I was brought back to reality.
As much as I wished I could join them, Ominis and Sebastian were waiting.

I rushed over to the table, trying to compose myself so Garreth and Blaine weren't suspious.
However, as soon as they saw me, their faces dropped.
"Is everything okay, Em?" Poppy asked, causing me to laugh nervously.
Clearly I wasn't as convincing as I thought.
"Yes. I just need to borrow you and Nat, if that's okay?" I tried to give her a subtle look, keeping a smile on my face.

Natty and Poppy exchanged a quick look, their eyes widening.
It took a moment for them to process, but they quickly got up from their seats, not bothering to say goodbye to the boys before rushing over to me.
I immediately led the way as we sped out of the Great Hall, leaving Garreth and Blaine looking rather perplexed.
"Where are you going?" Garreth called after us.
"To talk about girl stuff." Natty called back, a smirk on her face, knowing that would put him off.
Sure enough, Garreth went quiet.
I took a quick peek behind me, and almost laughed as I saw his face.
He was almost as red as his hair, and quickly turned back to Blaine.
When we finally reached the Slytherin common room, Sebastian and Ominis were already waiting outside.
Sebastian was tapping his foot impatiently, staring at the ground, while Ominis paced back and fourth, clutching something close to his chest.

As we approached, Sebastian's head whipped up, giving me a concerned smile, before looking at Ominis.
I hadn't seen him this nervous since the scriptorium, and by the look of Sebastian, he was starting to get the same feeling.
It was starting to rub off on me as my body began to feel numb, a pit growing in my stomach.
We'd had a taste of Salazar Slytherin's ideals before, which gave us an advantage, but I couldn't help the feeling of dread grow as that day flashed across my mind.
Of all the founders, he terrified me the most.
Because I knew what those ideals did to a person.
And so did Ominis and Sebastian.

"How long has he been like that?" I whispered to Sebastian, pointing at Ominis who still hadn't seemed to notice our arrival.
"Pretty much since he got the locket. I say the sooner we get this over with, the better." he replied, a slight bitterness in his voice.
I nodded in agreement before cautiously approaching Ominis.

Even when I was practically inches away from him, he continued to pace around.
His expression seemed so conflicted, his face scrunched up tight.
His breathing was heavy, and his hands were shaking as they clutched the locket as close as they could, as though he were trying to absorb it.

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