Chapter 13

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At night..

Amihan pov..

Amihan wake up and see Porsche is already awake.. Porsche smile at her and say.. 'Hey sweetheart..' Amihan kiss Porsche's lips softly and play with Porsche's chest and say.. 'Let's stay here..' Porsche shake his head slowly and reply back.. 'We need to go back sweetheart.. Its already night..' Amihan   then kiss Porsche's lips softly and say.. 'Don't deny it sweetheart.. I know you want to spend more time with me..' Porsche chuckle and kiss Amihan's lips as well.. Amihan sit on top of Porsche again and say.. 'Let me do something for you sweetheart..' Porsche then reply back.. 'Sweetheart.. You don't have to..' Amihan then reply back.. 'Now.. Im not a queen of Lireo.. But.. Im your lover..' Amihan then expose Porsche's junior and look at him deeply.. Porsche smile at her and say.. 'Its yours sweetheart..' Amihan smile and start to lick Porsche's hole gently.. Porsche close his eyes as he feels Amihan's mouth around his junior.. Porsche moan slowly and say.. 'Sweetheart....'Porsche stroke Amihan's head gently and let Amihan do more.. Amihan then stop doing it and say..' Sweetheart... Please.. 'Porsche then push Amihan to lay down on the bed again and open her legs and lick her hole and suck it deeply.. Amihan then say...'Ooh...aaaah.. P.. Porsche!!' Porsche continue to suck Amihan's hole and lick it again and again.. Amihan stroke Porsche's head and smile at him.. Porsche then stroke Amihan's tigh and ask.. 'Want more?' Amihan chuckle and kiss Porsche's lips deeply and sit on top of him.. Porsche rub Amihan's back gently and kiss her forehead and say.. 'Sweetheart..' Amihan kiss Porsche's lips and say.. 'Yes sweetheart..' Porsche then rub Amihan's arm gently and reply back.. 'Tomorrow morning.. Vegas and I along with Thankhun and others will return to human world..' Amihan then say.. 'I want to come..' Porsche shake her head gently and say.. 'Sweetheart.. You must stay in Lireo.. Im sorry.. I had to lie just now.. Because.. I know.. If I tell you.. You will come with me too..'

Amihan then say.. 'No.. I want to come..' Porsche kiss Amihan's lips and say.. 'We must do something.. Before our enemies come and attack us.. Especially Kim is Mitena's allies..' Amihan then reply back.. 'Let's return to Lireo and we will discuss this matter with my sisters..' Porsche nod and wear his outfit.. Amihan then put on her blue dress back and teleport back to Porsche's bed chamber.. Amihan then open the door and see the light is already turned off and say..' Sweetheart.. I need to return to my chamber.. I will see you tomorrow..' Amihan then kiss Porsche's cheek and walk out from Porsche's bed chamber..

Vegas suddenly appear and say.. 'Sweetheart.. I guess Amihan already know about our plans..' Porsche then say.. 'One thing that Amihan didn't know is.. Only institute members can go through the portal..' Vegas then lock the door and say.. 'Sweetheart.. I really miss you a lot..' Porsche then reply back.. 'I miss your touch my husband..' Vegas take off their clothes and help Porsche to lay down on the bed and kiss Porsche's lips deeply.. Porsche rub Vegas's back body and say.. 'Sweetheart.. Aaaah.. Aaaah..' Vegas then reply back.. 'Im better than Amihan when it comes to this' Porsche chuckle and kiss Vegas again and again.. Vegas kiss Porsche's chest and stomach then put Porsche's legs on his shoulder and start to thrust Porsche slowly.. Porsche moan slowly and say.. 'Mmmhh.. My husband.... Aaah.. Aaaah.. Vegas!' Vegas then say.. 'I miss that sweetheart.. Moan more..' Porsche moan as Vegas thrust Porsche again and again.. Vegas then say.. 'Sweetheart.. I love you so much..' Porsche then reply back.. 'Aaaah.. V.. Vegas.. Im close.... Aaaah..' Vegas kiss Porsche's lips and thrust Porsche again and release it inside of him... Porsche then cum twice and look at Vegas deeply.. Vegas then pull Porsche towards him and cover them with a blanket and say.. 'Its alright sweetheart.. The most important thing is.. We must finish our job here.. Then we can go back to our world..Our kids already waiting for us at home...' Porsche put his head on Vegas's chest and reply back.. 'I really missed them sweetheart..'

Vegas kiss Porsche's forehead for 5 minutes and touch their foreheads and say... 'I know sweetheart.. I understand you.. I miss them as well..' Porsche then reply back.. 'I miss Phi Yok..' Vegas laugh at him and say.. 'I can't wait to see your bartender skills again sweetheart..' Porsche kiss Vegas's lips softly and say 'I love you so much my husband..' Vegas stroke Porsche's head and appear a clothes on their body and say.. 'Now.. Let's sleep.. Its already late sweetheart..' Porsche nod and sleep as Vegas start to humming a lullaby..

Meanwhile in Ice Kingdom..

Mitena pov..

Mitena is standing outside of her palace while observing Lireo with her owl.. Mitena look at her owl and say.. 'Don't worry sweetheart.. We will conquer Lireo soon..' Mitena smirk evilly while stroking her owl.. Kim then walk towards her and ask.. 'So, what's our next plan Mitena?' Mitena then ask back.. 'How about that man?' Kim then reply back.. 'Porsche is no longer use to me Mitena.. I just want to destroy Lireo just like you do..' Mitena then say.. 'I have a big plan for Lireo.. Just wait and see..' Kim then ask.. 'What are you going to do Mitena?' Mitena laugh at him and whisper.. 'Its a secret then..' Mitena blow icy breath near Kim's face and walk away.. Kim smirk and say.. 'Just wait Porsche and Vegas.. Death will come to you both soon..' Kim then go into the Palace..

Back in Lireo..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche wake up slowly as he suddenly feel cold.. Porsche feel shock as he see his bed chamber already covered with ice.. Porsche then say..' Sweetheart! Wake up! Please wake up! 'Vegas also wake up and feel shock as he see an ice covering around the room.. Vegas then say..' Sweetheart..we must go out and check the others! 'Porsche nod and open the door and say..' Sweetheart! The ice is everywhere! How can we get through?!'Vegas then take Porsche and teleport to the main hall and see the ice is spreading around the main hall.. Cassieopeia then appear and feel shock as well.. Cassieopeia then communicate with Porsche and Vegas then ask..' What's happening?! 'Porsche communicate with Cassieopeia and reply back..' Go and tell the sanggres to wake up! We must leave Lireo! Lireo is no longer safe!Vegas then see the alarm and ring it.. Everyone start to run out and feel shock.. Amihan then ask.. 'What's going on here?! What happen?!' Pirena try to use her fire gemstone but fail.. Alena rub her body and say.. 'Its really cold...' Minea appear a cloaks and give it to sanggres and say.. 'Put the cloaks on!' Thankun, Arm, Tem, Ken, Macau, Chay, Muros, Hitano and Aquil look around Lireo.. Hitano then say.. 'Queen Minea.. We must leave!' Muros then added.. 'The best option we have right now is.. We should go to Sapiro and inform King Raquim about this matter! He needs to know!' Amihan then carefully walk towards Porsche and say.. 'Sweetheart.. We must go to Sapiro! Let's go!' Porsche then kiss Amihan's forehead and say.. 'Im sorry Queen Amihan.. But this time.. I can't join you and others..' Porsche then draw the rune and see the portal is open.. Vegas then yell.. 'The rest of you! Go into the portal! This portal will take you to Sapiro! Everyone go into the portal except for Amihan.. Danaya then yell..' Amihan! Come on! 'Porsche then kiss Amihan's lips deeply and say..' Go! Don't waste your time! 'Amihan cry and shake her head.. Porsche sigh slowly and push Amihan into the portal.. Amihan scream in the portal as the portal close.. Porsche recite a spell and say..' We must go back to human world sweetheart.. Hopefully.. Mae can help us out.. 'Vegas nod and take Porsche back to human world..

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