Chapter 3

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Everyone is looking at Cassieopeia with a confuse expression.. Porsche then kneel infront of Cassieopeia and hold her then ask again.. 'Queen Cassieopeia.. Who is coming here?' Suddenly, there's a female voice answer.. 'Its me who is here..' Everyone turn their gaze and feel shock as they see another 'Cassieopeia'

Danaya frown and ask.. 'Cassieopeia?' Amihan then look at Cassieopeia and another Cassieopeia and ask.. 'Why there's another Cassieopeia? What's happening here?' Vegas then reply back.. 'If the one that Porsche holding is Queen Cassieopeia.. Then, who are you?' Vegas point his sword towards the woman.. That woman laugh and ask.. 'Are you still thinking that me as her?' While pointing to Cassieopeia... Porsche then help Cassieopeia to stand up and ask with a stern voice.. 'Who are you stranger?' Cassieopeia then answers back.. 'Porsche sweetheart.. Please don't harm her.. She is my twin sister from Mineave.. Her name is Hera Mitena..' Everyone look at Cassieopeia and her twin sister with a shock expression.. Alena then ask.. 'Cassieopeia.. Since when you had a twin sister?' Mitena smirk and ask.. 'Oh.. You didn't know about that? Surely.. my beloved sister forget to tell you about it..' Mitena then play around with Cassieopeia's hair and say.. 'Well done my twinnie.. Finally.. Lireo is free from enemies.. Its seems that you already achieved your goal...'

Sanggres point out their swords towards Mitena.. Porsche then ask.. 'What do you want from us Mitena?' Mitena laugh again and say.. 'You must be a new keeper of the air gem... What's your name sweetie?' Mitena is about to touch Porsche's cheek but got stop immediately as Porsche strike her with his air gem.. Hitano quickly stand in front of Porsche and say.. 'Leave Lireo now!' Sanggres also appear their gemstones and strike Mitena.. Muros then yell.. 'Protect Lireo!!' The guards start to protect Lireo..

Mitena then laugh again and say.. 'I come here not to fight.. But.. I come here to join this birthday party...' Alena then say... 'We didn't invite you to join us Hera Mitena..umalis ka! (Leave!)Pirena then strike Mitena by using her fire gem.. Mitena quickly avoid those strikes and strike Pirena by using her ice power.. Pirena then fall on the ground.. Amihan then yell..' Pirena! 'Amihan and Danaya quickly help Pirena to stand up.. Porsche look at Mitena and say..' You heard her.. We didn't invite you here..'Mitena then yell..' Pashnea!! 'Mitena then strike Porsche by using his ice power.. Porsche avoid it and strike back by using his air gem.. Porsche then strike Mitena by using his sword until Mitena is fall on the ground.. Porsche point his sword towards Mitena and look at Mitena with anger then say.. 'Leave before I kill you Hera Mitena!' Mitena groan in pain and dissappear with her owl.. Porsche swing his sword and keep it.. Porsche appear an earth gem and walk towards Pirena and heal her..

Pirena frown and ask... 'Since when you have that gem Porsche?' Porsche then reply back.. 'I stole it from Kim after his death..' Danaya then say.. 'That means.. you have 3 gemstones Porsche..' Porsche keep that earth gemstone and say.. 'My friends! She is already gone! You guys can come out now!' Thankun, Arm, Tem, Macau, Porchay and Mira come out and notices that Mitena is already gone.. Porsche then look at Cassieopeia and heal her as well.. Cassieopeia stroke Porsche's cheek gently and say..' Thank you so much Porsche.. I owe you my life.. '

Thankhun then ask.. 'Who is that woman? Is she Cassieopeia twin sister?' Muros nod and reply back 'Yes Thankhun.. She is Queen Cassieopeia twin sister..' Minea also frown and ask.. 'But, we never know that Cassieopeia have a twin sister..' Porsche then say.. 'No need to pressure Queen Cassieopeia.. We must prepare for the worst.. I have a feelings that crazy woman will return soon..' Hitano then say.. 'Vegas.. I need to borrow Porsche for a while..' Vegas chuckle and ask 'Since when you ask for a permission? Go ahead.. I also need to rest..' Minea nod and say.. 'Muros and Aquil.. Please take our guests to their bed chamber.. And to my daughters.. You guys need to rest..' All of them nod and leave the main hall.. Except for Hitano and Porsche.. Hitano then hug Porsche from behind and say.. 'You are so brave sweetheart..' Porsche smile and reply back.. 'I don't know either I made a right decision Hitano..' Hitano then frown and ask.. 'What do you mean hmm?' Porsche turn around and look at Hitano's eyes and say.. 'I shouldn't suppose to bring my friends here.. It will risk their lives..' Hitano kiss Porsche's forehead and carry him then teleport to his room.. Porsche smile and say.. 'This room never change..' Hitano put Porsche on the bed and kiss him deeply and move to his shoulders.. Porsche stroke Hitano's head and kiss him in return.. Hitano then lay down beside Porsche and pull Porsche towards him and say.. 'You need to sleep sweetheart..' Porsche smile and sleep beside Hitano.. Hitano kiss Porsche's forehead and sleep as well..

In Porsche's dreams..

Porsche is walking into the ice palace and look around

Porsche then ask.. 'Where am I?' Suddenly.. Mitena appear and hug Porsche from behind and say.. 'Welcome to my palace Porsche.. Do you like it sweetheart?' Porsche turn around and see Mitena..Porsche then distance himself from her and ask.. 'What do you want from me Hera Mitena?' Mitena then reply back.. 'I've been observed you and Vegas when you both are in human world.. And now.. I didn't expect that you will return to Lireo..' Mitena then kiss Porsche's lips softly and say.. 'Porsche.. Come and join me in Mineave.. We can rule this land together.. Besides.. Im lonely here..' Porsche strike Mitena by using his air gem and sword then say.. 'I wont join you Mitena!' Mitena then smirk and ask... 'So.. You rather die for Lireo again? How about your kids?' Porsche then yell.. 'Shut up'!!.. Porsche then strike Mitena.. Mitena then stab Porsche's chest and take out the air gem and spirit gem and kill Porsche.. Porsche then fall on the ground and die..

*dreams end*..

Porsche suddenly wake up and put Hitano under a sleeping spell and teleport to main hall and see Amihan is standing there by observing Sapiro.. Porsche then walk towards Amihan and touch her shoulder gently.. Amihan jump and about to scream but Porsche quickly cover Amihan's mouth and say.. 'Please forgive me Queen Amihan.. Please forgive me if I scare you..' Amihan kiss Porsche's cheek and say.. 'Porsche.. I really miss you.. Thank you for put my name and also Alena's name for your daughters..' Porsche bow and ask.. 'Do you miss King Raquim?' Amihan nod and say.. 'My father have a duty in Sapiro.. We didn't get a time to spend together..' Porsche then use his power and show the vision about King Raquim to Amihan and say.. 'I hope that this will cure your longing to him..' Amihan hug Porsche and say.. 'Thank you so much Porsche.. Thank you for understanding me..' Porsche then kiss Amihan's forehead and say.. 'I love to see your smiling.. Never ever dissappear it..' Amihan kiss Porsche's cheek again and ask.. 'By the way.. What are you doing here hmm? I thought you already sleep..' Porsche then say.. 'Yes Queen Amihan.. I already fall asleep with Hitano but suddenly I have a bad dreams..' Amihan expression change and ask.. 'What is it Porsche? Tell me.. Maybe I can help you..' Porsche then reply back.. 'I didn't want to burden you Queen Amihan.. Don't worry about me.. You should go back to your room..' Porsche then dissappear and teleport to the garden.. Porsche then sit on the bench and look at the sky..

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