Chapter 11

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Amihan pov..

Amihan walk towards Porsche's bed chamber and open the door slowly and see no one is with Porsche.. Amihan go in and close the door slowly and walk towards Porsche and sit in front of him.. Amihan stroke Porsche's head gently and say.. 'Wake up sweetheart.. You shouldn't suppose to sleep like this..' Amihan feel her eyes is wet again.. A tears slowly fall on her cheeks.. Amihan then say.. 'I still want to spend my time with you sweetheart.. Please wake up..' Amihan then lay down beside Porsche and slowly put her head on Porsche's chest.. Amihan then fall asleep..

In Amihan's dreams..

Amihan is walking at the garden.. Suddenly Porsche come towards her and hug her from behind.. Amihan kiss Porsche's lips softly and say.. 'I miss you sweetheart..' Porsche then say 'You need to stay strong sweetheart.. You are a queen.. Your peoples really need you..' Amihan frown and ask.. 'Sweetheart? Where are you going?!' Porsche start to walk backwards and say.. 'I just come here to say goodbye to you.. Please take care of yourself..' Porsche slowly dissappear.. Amihan then yell.. 'No! Porsche! Please come back to me sweetheart! Sweetheart!'

Dream end..

Amihan wake up and see Porsche is looking at her with a weak gaze and ask.. 'What's the matter hmm?...' Amihan cry and hide her face near Porsche's chest.. Porsche rub Amihan's back body gently and say.. 'Shh shh shh.. Sweetheart.. Im sorry.. Im truly sorry..'Amihan hug Porsche and say..' Im really worried about you sweetheart.. I have a bad dreams just now.. 'Porsche stroke Amihan' s head and say.. 'Im right here.. I will recover soon.. Don't worry too much about me..' Amihan close her eyes as Porsche kiss her forehead.. Porsche then ask.. 'Where is Vegas?' Amihan sigh slowly and say.. 'About Vegas.. He is out of control just now.. Cassieopeia need to put him under sleeping spell.. He really angry when Kim tortured you.. How come Kim can stay alive? You killed him 2 years ago.. During a war with Etherian' Porsche then reply back.. 'Im sure that Mitena is the one who resurrected Kim.. Kim still have a grudges on me sweetheart..' Amihan frown and ask again.. 'Is it because of me and Vegas?' Porsche then say.. 'Yes..'

Suddenly.. there's a door knock from outside.. Amihan quickly get down from Porsche's bed and sit in front of him then say.. 'Come in!' The door then open.. Porsche smile a little as he see Alena, Danaya and Pirena come towards him.. Pirena close the door slowly and ask.. 'Porsche.. How are you feeling?' Porsche nod in respond and say.. 'I will be fine soon.. Don't worry Sanggre Pirena..' Danaya feel guilty towards Porsche and say.. 'Porsche.. Please forgive me.. My gemstone can't help much..' Alena rub Danaya's shoulder and reply back.. 'Its not your fault Danaya..' Porsche suddenly hear a sound coming from outside of the window.. Alena then ask.. 'What's that sound?' Amihan then see something is flying towards the window.. Amihan then take a container and say.. 'Sweetheart.. I think.. someone send this for you..' Pirena and Danaya then help Porsche to sit up.. Porsche hiss in pain and take the container and rise his eyebrows.. Alena and Amihan frown and look at each other.. Danaya then say.. 'I think its for you Porsche.. Do you want me to open it for you?' Porsche then open the container slowly and see a rice and soup along with a bottle of potion.. Porsche then take a paper and read it silently.. 'Don't forget to eat and drink the potion until finish..' - N.. Porsche smile and speak in his heart.. 'Thank you so much Mae krub...' Amihan look at Porsche and ask.. 'Sweetheart?' Are you alright? 'Muyak then fly towards the Sanggres and say..' Queen Amihan.. Queen Minea ask you and others to prepare for the meeting and training.. 'Amihan is about to protest but got stop by Porsche.. Porsche then say...' Its ok sweetheart.. Just go.. I will be fine after eating and drink the med..'Amihan stroke Porsche's cheek and kiss his lips softly and say..' I will be right back..Lets go sisters.. 'Alena, Danaya and Pirena along with Muyak(the pixie) leave Porsche's chamber.. Not long after that.. Vegas then appear and look at Porsche with a worry expression.. Porsche breath out of relief and hug Vegas tightly and ask..' Sweetheart.. Are you ok? Are you hurt?' Vegas kiss Porsche's lips deeply and say.. 'Im the one who should ask you sweetheart..Im truly sorry.. I fail to protect you..' Porsche hug Vegas's neck and reply back.. 'You can't say that sweetheart.. You are my husband and a father to our kids.. Stop saying that alright..' Vegas hug Porsche and rub his back gently and notice a container with a rice, soup and potion.. Porsche smile and say.. 'Mae sent it to me just now.. Please feed me sweetheart..' Vegas smile and feed the food to Porsche.. Porsche then eat it until finish.. Vegas appear a glass of water and help Porsche to drink the potion.. Porsche then drink the potion along with a water.. Vegas stroke Porsche's head gently and say..' Now, its time for you to rest sweetheart..' Porsche then hold Vegas's hand and say.. 'Sweetheart.. I have a plan..'

Vegas then ask.. 'What is it hmm?' Porsche then reply back.. 'Let's go back to human world..We can use our institute as place for training.. Tem, Arm and others will stay in Lireo.. Along with the sanggres.. If we keep staying here.. It will be easier for us to die..' Vegas then say.. 'Let's take our friends back with us..' Porsche then hear a door knock and say.. 'Please come in..' Amihan then come into Porsche's bed chamber and smile at him.. Amihan then ask.. 'I thought you already sleep?' Vegas then reply back.. 'We have something to discuss just now.. Our discussion is already done.. Sweetheart.. I hope you will recover soon..' Vegas kiss Porsche's lips and cheek and say.. 'I need to continue with the practice.. Queen Amihan.. Please take care of Porsche for me..' Amihan nod and allow Vegas to leave.. As Vegas leave the chamber.. Amihan then sit in front of Porsche and ask.. 'What are two talking about hmm? Please share it with me..' Amihan then hold Porsche's hand and look at him.. Porsche then stroke Amihan's cheek gently and say.. 'Nothing sweetheart.. Im just thinking about how are we going to stop Mitena and her armies from coming here.. But none of us know how..' Porsche then speak in his heart.. 'Im sorry Amihan... I have to lie.. This time.. I can't let you join me.. I must return to institute with Vegas and others.. I hope.. You will be fine without me...'

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