Chapter 10

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Next morning.. (Dawn)

Amihan pov..

Amihan wake up and see Porsche is still sleeping.. Amihan slowly stroke Porsche's cheek gently and say.. 'Sweetheart.. Wake up.. We must go back to Lireo..' Porsche then open his eyes and look at Amihan and nod slowly then wear back his clothes.. Amihan also wear her formal blue dress and say.. 'Let's go sweetheart..' Porsche nod and teleport back to Lireo and notice Lireo is still dark.. Amihan hold Porsche's hand and teleport into the Palace and see no one.. Both of them walk slowly until both of them arrive at the front of Amihan's bed chamber.. Amihan hug Porsche and whisper.. 'Sweetheart.. Thank you so much..' Porsche kiss Amihan's lips softly and say.. I will see you later... 'Amihan then ask..' Could you please sleep with me..? 'Porsche stroke Amihan's head and say..' If other people see us.. they will be suspicious.. Have a sweet dreams alright.. 'Porsche kiss Amihan's forehead and walk towards his bed chamber.. Amihan smile happily and walk towards her bed chamber and lay down on the bed then continue sleeping..

Porsche then go into his bed chamber and see Vegas is sleeping on the bed.. Porsche start to feel guilty and slowly shake Vegas's shoulder and say.. 'Sweetheart.. Im back..' Vegas open his eyes and ask.. 'Sweetheart?' Porsche then reply back.. 'Yes sweetheart.. Its me.. Porsche.' Vegas then move to the other side and let Porsche to lay down beside him and put his head on Vegas's shoulder.. Vegas stroke Porsche's head gently and ask.. 'How is your date with Queen Amihan?' Porsche smile and reply back.. 'Its good sweetheart.. Thank you for give me a permission..' Vegas kiss Porsche's lips softly and say.. 'I know sweetheart..' Porsche then ask.. 'Sweetheart.. If Amihan pregnant with my child.. Will you hate us?' Vegas then say.. 'Sweetheart.. I have no reason to hate you or Amihan or even the baby.. We still can take care of your baby together.. Im here for you thing that you should know.. If Amihan leave Lireo and decide to stay with us.. I will accept her as part of our family.. And your future baby with her.. 'We can live together as a family.. Those Sanggres are free to come to human world whenever they want to..'

Porsche then ask again.. 'How should I repay your kindness sweetheart.. Sometimes I feel like I didn't deserve to be with you..' Vegas then say.. 'Sweetheart.. Please stop saying that alright.. We owe them our lives.. You need to remember.. Without Queen Amihan and her sisters.. Our friends might already die in Etheria 2 years ago.. Don't think too much alright.. Let's sleep now.. Its still early sweetheart.. 'Porsche then hug Vegas and fall asleep as Vegas humming a lullaby..

After a few hours later..

Porsche pov..

Porsche wake up slowly and see Vegas is still sleeping.. Porsche kiss Vegas's lips softly and hug Vegas even more.. Vegas open his eyes and say.. 'Good morning my beloved wife..' Porsche smile at his husband and say.. 'Good morning too Mr husband..' Vegas kiss Porsche's cheek gently and say.. 'Let's training together in the forest later..' Suddenly.. There's a door knock come from the outside.. The maid then say.. 'Im sorry for disturbing you Mr Porsche.. Queen Amihan ask you to meet her in her bed chamber..'

Porsche look at Vegas and start to have a bad feelings.. Vegas kiss Porsche's lips softly and say.. 'Go sweetheart..' Porsche then say.. 'I feel like I want to escape from here sweetheart.. Or.. Let's go to Ice Kingdom.. I feel weird.. Because Mitena didn't make any move yet..' Vegas pinch Porsche's nose and ask.. 'Are you crazy hmm?' We can't go there without Queen Amihan's permission..'Porsche then speak in his heart..' Then.. I will go there by myself.. 'Porsche get up and say..' I will meet Queen Amihan now.. 'Vegas smile and blow a flying kiss at Porsche.. Porsche then teleport to Amihan's bed chamber and appear in front of her and notice Amihan is still laying down on her bed..

Porsche then sit beside her and ask..' Are you pregnant sweetheart? 'Amihan frown and ask back..' Sweetheart.. What are you talking about hmm? Of course Im not.. I call you because I miss you.. 'Porsche stroke Amihan's head and lay down beside her and ask..' Where is your sisters? 'Amihan put her head on Porsche's chest and say..' They are having a meeting with Mother.. 'Porsche kiss Amihan' s lips softly and say.. 'I will have a practice with Vegas later..' Amihan then ask.. 'You will return to me right?' Porsche chuckle and say.. 'To you.. To Vegas and to my kids and my mother at home..' Amihan smile at Porsche and say.. 'Go and use a bathroom over there sweetheart..'Porsche nod and get down from the bed and walk towards the bathroom and have a warm shower..

After 10 minutes later..

Porsche then come out from the bathroom and see Amihan is looking at him and say..' You look very handsome sweetheart.. All the best for the training' Porsche kiss Amihan's cheek and leave her bed chamber.. As Porsche leave.. Porsche then see Vegas us walking towards him and ask.. 'Let's go sweetheart..'Porsche nod and follow Vegas to the forest and start training together..

As Vegas and Porsche training in the forest.. Suddenly.. There's a flying arrow coming towards Porsche.. Vegas then yell.. 'Sweetheart! Watch out!' Vegas quickly pull Porsche towards him and ask with a worry voice.. 'Sweetheart.. Are you ok?!' Porsche nod and look at the arrow and say.. 'Our enemies are here!' Enemies suddenly attack Vegas and Porsche in the forest.. Both of them strike the enemies down.. One of Mitena's soldiers use an electric razor on Vegas and make him unconscious.. The other soldiers kick Porsche's stomach and slap Porsche until he is faint.. The soldier then take Porsche away and teleport to Ice Kingdom..

In Ice Kingdom..

Kim Kimhan pov..

Kim smirk as he see Porsche is hanging with his hands is chain.. Mitena look at Kim and say.. 'Now you already got your target.. You are free to decide what are you going to do with him.. Kill or torture him..' Mitena laugh evilly and walk away.. Kim take off Porsche's clothes and stroke his body and say.. 'Porsche.. Sweetheart... Wake up..' Porsche then open his eyes slowly and realize that he is captured.. Porsche feel shock as he see Kim is standing right in front of him.. Porsche start to struggle and yell.. 'Let me go!' Kim chuckle and say.. 'Not that easy Porsche Kittisawat.. I've heard that you are married to Vegas.. And have 3 kids with him.. Is it true?' Porsche then say.. 'Leave Vegas alone bastard! Leave my kids and Nampheung alone! Leave my friends alone!

Kim laugh sarcastically at Porsche and say..' Of course.. Of course sweetheart.. But with one condition.. You must leave Vegas and Lireo.. And marry me.. Im the one who should become your husband.. Its I the one who loves you first! Not Vegas! That stupid guy didn't deserve you!' Porsche then reply back' At least Kim.. Vegas isn't like you! 'Kim slap Porsche's face twice until his lips is bleeding.. Kim look at Porsche with anger and choke Porsche and yell..' Marry me! Marry me Porsche! Leave Vegas and Lireo and marry me! 'Porsche use his power and strike Kim and untie the chain and appear his sword and strike Kim.. Kim also strike Porsche but Porsche quickly avoid those strikes.. Porsche then say..'Vegas is better than you!' Kim kick Porsche's stomach and take off his belt and start to whip Porsche.. Porsche yell in pain and say.. 'Arghh!!Stop! Please stop it!!' Damn you bastard! 'Kim continue to torture Porsche with his belt... Porsche start to feel weak and strike Kim until he hit his head near the ice wall.. Porsche strike Kim again and make Kim faint... Porsche hiss in pain and notice he is in trouble now and no one is there to help him.. Porsche then strike those enemies with his air gem and sword.. Porsche continue to fight.. One of the soldiers kick Porsche's chest and strike his stomach.. Porsche then fall on the ground and faint.. The soldiers than take Kim out from there and dissappear..

Meanwhile in Lireo..

Vegas pov..

Vegas open his eyes slowly and look around and realize that he is at main hall.. Amihan look at him and ask.. 'Vegas.. Where's Porsche..? He is with you just now!' Vegas suddenly realize that Porsche got kidnapped by a soldier and say.. 'Porsche got kidnapped! I need to go and get him!' Before Vegas dissappear.. Porsche appear right in front of them while laying on the ground.. Vegas and Amihan then yell.. 'Porsche!!' Everyone feel shock as they see Porsche's condition.. Alena rush towards Porsche along with Pirena and Danaya.. Hitano feel shock as well and say..Danaya.. Use your gemstone to heal him! 'Amihan then yell..' Quick Danaya! 'Amihan start to cry and put Porsche's head on her lap and say..' Sweetheart! Wake up! Please wake up! Im begging you.. Please wake up!! You can't leave me like this! Porsche!! 'Vegas then say..' Sweetheart! Open your eyes! 'Minea also feel shock and ask..' For God's sake! What happen?! 'Minea kneel down as well.. Cassieopeia appear and say..' Its was Mitena and Kim Kimhan.. They team up to destroy Porsche...It's seems.. Kim still have a grudges towards Porsche.. Vegas is about to leave but got stop by Muros immediately.. Muros then say..' No Vegas.. Please...this is what Ice Queen wants.. If we attack.. We will die... Please calm down alright..' Vegas then ask with anger.. 'Calm?!My wife got torture and now you ask me to calm?!!' Alena sigh heavily and say.. 'Hitano and Aquil.. Please help to take Porsche back to his chamber..' Amihan keep crying and hug Minea and say..'Mother...' Amihan sobbing even more.. Pirena then comfort Amihan and say.. 'Porsche will be fine Amihan.. Trust me alright? Porsche is strong enough to endure this pain.. Its alright..' Amihan hug her older sister and cry again..

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