Chapter 7

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Next morning..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche wake up slowly as he feels someone is stroking his head gently.. Porsche smile at Amihan and say.. 'Good morning Queen Amihan..' Amihan kiss Porsche's lips softly and say 'Good morning sweetheart.. Its seems that you have a rough night with Vegas..' Porsche chuckle and ask.. 'Where is Vegas?' Amihan then say.. 'Vegas is in the forest with your friends.. Hitano, Muros and Aquil also there with them..' Porsche then sit up properly.. Amihan then lean in towards Porsche and kiss his lips softly.. Porsche smile and rub Amihan's arms gently and deepen their kiss.. Amihan moan between the kiss and say..' Sweetheart.. Aaaah.. 'Porsche kiss Amihan's forehead and make Amihan lay down on the bed.. Amihan stroke Porsche's head and say..' Do whatever you want sweetheart.. 'Porsche then say..' I might get punish Queen Amihan.. 'Amihan then reply back..' I have no reason to punish you sweetheart.. You know I love you.. 'Porsche then kiss Amihan' s shoulder and neck gently.. Amihan kiss Porsche's cheek and rub Porsche's body gently.. Porsche then say.. 'I need to practice later..' Amihan stroke Porsche's cheek gently and say.. 'Let's practice together..but now.. Please do something to me.. Anything...' Porsche smile at her and ask.. 'Are you sure about this Amihan..?' Amihan then say.. 'Only you in my heart sweetheart... There' s no one else.. '

Porsche smile and expose Amihan's shoulder and kiss it gently.. Amihan smile and say..' Sweetheart.. Keep going... 'Porsche then take off Amihan's blue dress and put it on the floor and kiss her chest.. Amihan close her eyes as she feels Porsche's warm breath and stroke Porsche's head gently.. Porsche then say.. Amihan..' Amihan then nod and hug Porsche's neck gently and say..' Its ok sweetheart.. 'Porsche then take off Amihan's underwear and gently rub her spot.. Amihan then moan again and say..' Aaaah.. Aaaah.. P.. Porsche.. 'Porsche smile at her and kiss her deeply and say..' I can't do this Amihan.. I already have Vegas.. Im sorry.. 'Porsche take Amihan's dress and give it back to her and say..' Don't waste your time for me Queen Amihan.. Remember.. I already have 3 kids at home.. They are waiting for me to return.. Also Vegas.. Im sorry and please excuse me.. 'Before Porsche could leave.. Amihan quickly pull Porsche towards her and say' No sweetheart.. Please.. Please don't leave me.. 'Amihan use her force to make Porsche lay down on the bed while Amihan is sitting on Porsche's stomach and kiss him deeply.. Porsche then rub Amihan's back body gently and play with Amihan's nipple and suck it slowly.. Amihan moan again and again then stroke his head.. Amihan kiss Porsche's head gently and moan.. 'P.. Porsche!' Porsche smell Amihan's chest and lick her nip and say.. 'Don't regret this Queen Amihan..' Amihan shake her head and say.. 'No and never sweetheart..'

Porsche then lay Amihan on the bed again and take out a small bottle of oil.. Amihan then ask.. 'What's that for sweetheart...?'Porsche smile and say..' You will know later.. 'Amihan touch Porsche's cheek gently and see Porsche drop the oil on her chest.. Amihan close her eyes as Porsche gently massage her chest and continue to suck it again and again.. Porsche then lock the door and put a spell around the room and say..' Mmmhh.. Amihan...' Amihan moan heavily and say.. 'Sweetheart.. Sweetheart... Aaaah..' Porsche then touch their foreheads until their eyes meet.. Amihan kiss Porsche's lips softly and say.. 'Porsche.. Please.. I can't hold it anymore.. Aaaah..' Porsche then say.. 'Please hold on for me my beloved Queen..' Amihan then moan again and again.. Porsche then crawl downwards and open Amihan's leg and pour the oil around her private area and massage it gently as well.. Amihan close her eyes and cum as Porsche massage her private area.. Amihan stroke Porsche's head and say.. 'Sweetheart.. Aaaah..' Porsche then ask... 'Amihan.. are you ready hmm?' Amihan tremble under Porsche and say.. 'Yes sweetheart.. Im ready.. Aaaah..' Porsche smile and kiss her forehead and slowly put Amihan's leg on his shoulder.. Porsche slowly thrust Amihan.. Amihan cry in pain and hold onto Porsche and say.. 'Sshh.. Its hurt...' Porsche then say.. 'You will be fine sweetheart.. I promise..' Porsche continue to thrust Amihan again and again then release it outside of her.. Amihan feel exhausted and ask.. 'Why you didn't release it inside of me sweetheart?' Porsche then pull Amihan close to him and reply back.. 'Because.. You will get pregnant later on..' Amihan put her head on Porsche's chest and kiss him softly and say.. 'Let's have some rest before we start our training..' Porsche start to humming a lullaby and let Amihan sleep..

Meanwhile in the forest...

Vegas pov..

Vegas, Thankhun and Arm are having a training under Muros... While Ken, Tem are training under Aquil.. Macau and Chay decide to train by themselves under Hitano's guide.. Thankhun then swing his sword towards Arm.. Arm quickly avoid those strikes and strike back.. Vegas smile as he watching over them and continue training...After 2 hours of training.. All of them then rest under a tree.. Thankhun then ask.. 'Vegas.. I need your favour.. Mind to follow me for a minute?' Vegas nod and stand up then follow Thankhun from behind..Thankhun then look at Vegas with a serious expression and ask.. 'Vegas.. Why you allowed Porsche to stay in Lireo with Amihan? Did you forget that you and Porsche already have 3 kids?' Vegas pat Thankhun shoulder and say.. 'Phi.. Please calm down alright.. Even Porsche had a sex with Hitano and Amihan...Porsche really definitely need to remember his limits.. I allowed them to have a sex..only a sex.. Nothing more than that.. Because I know Porsche very well.. Its doesn't matter how much time they spend their time together...One thing that Im very sure is...Porsche's heart and soul already belongs to me from the start.. Trust me Phi.. I know you are worry about him...Its have been 2 years since we left Lireo.. Then we got married.. Have a 3 kids.. That time I realize that.. Porsche doesn't like to be control.. I know that Amihan and Hitano still love Porsche until now...even in human world.. Porsche keep thinking about his friends in Lireo.. Im his husband phi.. I know my wife very well.. I didn't want to see Porsche sad..Besides.. Porsche's happiness is not only with me.. But Porsche's happiness is with Amihan and Hitano as well.. Now you can compare between me and Kim.. How different we were.. Porsche is really lucky because he is married to me not Kim.. If Kim is still alive.. I don't know what will happen to Porsche.. Maybe Kim will kill Porsche.. 'Tem then join Vegas and Thankhun and say..' Im very proud of you Vegas.. You really love Porsche huh? Do you mind if I want to steal him from you??? 'Vegas show his middle finger at Tem and smack his head.. Arm laugh at Tem and say..' Vegas.. Please take care of Porsche.. 'Vegas smile and say..' And.. Im very lucky to have you guys as my friends.. Thank you for joined me and Porsche in this journey.. It might not easy.. But we will stick together no matter what happens.. 'Thankun smile and hug Arm and Tem along with Vegas.. Hitano smile at them and noticed Muros and Aquil come towards him and watch over Vegas and his friends.. Aquil then say..' We will stay here a bit longer..they look very tired.. 'Muros smile a little and walk towards Vegas and his friends and say..' Boys.. Im very sorry if I disturb.. But.. Aquil said that we will stay here a bit longer..'Vegas nod in respond and say...' Thank you so much Muros.. '

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