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   In a residential society in Mumbai:-

     A woman in her late 20s was running here and there to complete all the task while looking at the watch restlessly.

  " Today again I will be late" she complained to herself.

   Oh sorry, let's first introduce this lady before going further. Yes, she the female protagonist of our story, none other than Akshara Mehra fondly called as "AM". She is beautiful, intelligent and work as PR manager in one of the reputed agencies of Mumbai. In her company, she is the most busiest person because every client wants her only to handle their work. Wherever she goes, every eyes follows her, some with envy, some with respect. Men want to pursue her. Women are jealous of her. On other hand, she doesn't care about anything and anyone except one person who is her lifeline. Speaking about that special person, here he comes...

    " Mamma, where are you?" A voice came from behind and Akshara turned with a beautiful smile on her face.

    The scene in front of her took her heart away and filled with contentment and joy. There was standing sorry walking with eyes closed and colliding with things in the process was none other than Aryan Mehra, her little prince and devil both. He, his look, antics, behaviour, attitude always used to remind her of someone whom her heart hate and yearn with all its might simultaneously. She shook her head to keep those thoughts away and went towards him. She engulfed her little son in her arms tightly. Aryan finally opened his eyes and with cute irritated expressions complained to his mother in sleepy voice..

   " Mamma, how many times, I have told you to not leave me alone. I want to see you first thing in the morning" and then he hugged her back.

        Akshara just smiled at his complain. She had listened this complain God only knows how many times even before him but she didn't want to remember that as those memories are reminder of her lost paradise. She held him even more tightly to block those memories and to remind herself that now only he is her everything and she can't afford to lose him after losing almost everything. She composed herself and while caressing his hairs so tenderly, started speaking..

    " Shona, I am sorry. Today, Mamma woke up so late. Please go and get ready for school or else today again we will miss the school bus." She softly whispered to him.

     After listening that, Aryan shrieked and snuggled more into her.

    " Mamma,  can't we be like this? I want to be with you all the time but you always remain busy and I miss you so much. I want to spend whole day with you only and without you, I feel so lonely." He said with sad voice.

     Akshara clasped him tightly. She very well knew this feeling but she was helpless. They were only for each other and for better livelihood she has to work hard. She almost had tears in her eyes but she controlled herself and broke the hug.

    " Mamma is sorry Shona but mamma has to work also, right? this Sunday, we will go to the new amusement park which you were telling me few days ago, now happy?" Akshara asked with hope.

  " this Sunday means day after tomorrow
Yes, I am very happy. We will have so much fun, yeah.." He said with so much happiness and hugged her again.

    Akshara smiled seeing his happiness and thanked her stars for little mercy. Then she looked at the clock and again came to her hitler mode.

    " Aryan, no more sweet talks, just go and get ready for school or else Amusement park will be cancelled, got it?" She sternly told him.

     Aryan knew now he had no escape so he sulked and went away. Akshara too went to get ready herself. After 1.30 hrs she reached her office. She was the most loved and hated person in her office. Some used to love her for her hard work, kindness and beautiful heart and some used to hate her because they used to think she gets extra advantage. Today also they were gossiping because she was again late. She didn't give attention to them as always and directly went to her boss's cabin.

Rewriting our fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें