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      Next day, Akshara's office:-

     " Seriously Akshara? You sent me resignation letter just like that? Will you care to explain?" Mallika said to her.

   " I will be forever grateful to you for you have done for me. People who claimed to love me the most were not with me in my most difficult time and you were there. You will be forever in my prayers but you were right that day.
You and your company shouldn't suffer because of my personal life. So, to save both of us from this complicated situation, I took this decision. Please don't take it personally. It has nothing to do with you. It's just that, I don't want my past to ruin my present." Akshara explained to her.

   " So, basically you are running from the situation instead of facing it? Till when and where you will keep running Akshara? What if he will come there too in future? Then you will change that city too? Don't forget, you are not alone. Don't you think, instead of running and hiding things, you should confront and sort out the matter for once and all? For how long you will keep making up stories to Aryan regarding his Father? He is growing up and his questions and confusions will keep growing with your silence. What if his father will come to know about him by some other way? What if some day, they will meet each other and then will question you for your decision, what will you answer? How will you defend yourself?" Mallika tried to make her understand the gravity of situation.

  " So, what you are expecting me to do?
Hey, I forgot to tell you because you were too busy, we have a son together. This is what you are expecting me to say to the person who betrayed me and ruined my life to ashes? Moreover, he didn't want to have a child. So, him knowing or not knowing doesn't matter. There are so many kids who live without fathers. Aryan knows that his parents separated just before his birth and in today's time being child of a single parent is not a taboo. Yes, I agree, sometimes, he becomes sad but with age, this will also go away. He won't have any issues and I will tell him everything whatever happened when he will be grown up enough to understand that. I am confident enough, he will support me and hate that person for doing what he did with me. Everything is under control and will be." Akshara countered confidently.

    " If he never wanted to be a father, his knowing or not knowing doesn't matter then why you are scared? Why you don't want him to know about Aryan? Why are you running like this? If you think, Aryan is this much ok with it and will support you then why you don't want him to know his father's name? If everything is under control then why this fear Akshara? Why don't you just sit and talk with him and close this chapter forever?
I can say it from my judgement that, there are so many lose threads and you guys didn't have a proper closure. This is why you are this much agitated regarding this whole issue. Maybe this unexpected encounter happened so that you can get closure to move on completely from your past and live peacefully. As your well- wisher, I strongly feel that you should talk to him and discuss all this to sort this thing for once and all. This will make your life easier and you don't need to be scared and keep running in fear. Aryan will also get his answers and won't live in doubts. Please Akshara, do this for yourself and Aryan." Mallika suggested to her.

    Akshara stood up from her chair and started speaking in higher pitch.

  " I have moved on from my past. Thanks for your concern and advice but I am grown up enough to decide what is good for me and my son. You are my boss and I respect you a lot but I hope we keep our meetings and conversations for professional matters only. My personal life is my private matter and I wish you will respect my privacy. I have some deadlines to finish, see you later." Akshara said to her and walked away from her office.

     " I only want your well-being Akshara.
Seeing your condition, I am scared for you. I hope, God will show you the right path." Mallika whispered.

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