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   Somewhere in Pune:-

       Abhimanyu Diwan, who was once a star footballer and nation's hearthrob in his early 20s, was now working on his latest prototype of video game, one of his most ambitious project. He had started this start-up few years ago after going through the most difficult phase of his life. At that time, this came like a saviour to him and credit goes to his current best friend and partner who approached him and made him part of it or else God only knows where he would have been at this time, maybe some assylum.

   His attention got broken by the voice of his current best friend/ business partner/self proclaimed guardian and what not who had just barged inside his room shouting his name on top of his lungs. He looked at his friend Sam with annoyance.

  Sam urf Samar Khan, Indian,28, have everything what a man wishes and dreams for except a girlfriend. Its because every girl thinks that for Sam, his friend will always be his first priority and they are not wrong at all. He is also not interested in all these things because what love and relationships can do to you, his best friend was perfect example of that and he has no plans to become another Devdas as one of them needs to be sober or else who will handle both of them? After thinking this, he sighed and looked at his friend.

     "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Sam asked.

   " Why the hell you were shouting like that as if I am on some other planet?" Abhimanyu replied with annoyance.

    Sam looked at him with disbelief. If some other person would have talked with him like that, he would not have survived to see the next sunrise but it was Abhimanyu Diwan, so he controlled himself and very politely asked him.

   " Do you remember what day is today?"
Sam asked.

   Abhimanyu again looked at him with bored expressions.

    " Don't give me that expression, ok? If you don't remember then why make promises in the first place? Ok, as your memory has gone to play football ( both of them looked at each other after mention of football and Sam immediately changed his words).I am trying to say, do you remember your majesty, you have a certain " girlfriend" whose birthday is today and you have promised her that you will not miss her birthday bash at any cost?" Sam asked in extra sweet voice and then looked at Abhimanyu's blank face.

   Suddenly realisation dawned upon Abhimanyu and he dashed towards gate but before that he turned towards Sam and said in a deadpan voice..

   " How many times, I have to remind you that she is not my girlfriend but just a girl-friend. Why don't you get it, you idiot?" Abhimanyu said with irritation.

   " I get it but she should also get it, no? Btw, she should not be even your girl-friend. I don't understand, why you can't understand this?" Sam said with irritation.

   " You will never understand. Shall I go now?" Abhimanyu replied.

  " yeah, please go or else she will only blame me later on that I stopped you from going to her party." Sam said while making faces.

   Abhimanyu shook his head. One thing, he will never understand, why on earth his two closest friends don't get along with each other? Atleast he would have been spared to become a sandwich between them.
( Well, one day, he will definitely understand and what will happen that day, we will see later on...🤫🤫)

J W Marriott hotel, Pune:-

   In one of the banquet halls of the hotel, a highclass party was waiting to be kickstarted. Everyone who was present in that party were screaming money and status.

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