Wantin' To Be Famous...

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A taxi cab pulled up to the messy, mossy green house, and Izzy climbed out of the back. She faced the driver and quickly paid for the fare before turning back around and walking up into her home. As she approached the front door, her mind began to race with the biggest realisation: She was in another season of Total Drama. And, despite it all, she hated it. She didn't want to be thrown around in a jet, she didn't want to go from frozen tundras to scorching deserts, she didn't want to deal with anyone else but Team E-Scope. She also had somehow convinced Chris to let Merida on the show, and with how little fight the host put up, it made her even more uneasy.

Letting a sigh to try and collect herself, Izzy opened the front door and walked inside. As soon as she closed the door behind her, her mother immediately hugged her.

"Izzy! Oh my god, where were you?!" Her mom asked, frantic and horrified.

Izzy took an easy breath. "It's a long story, I'd rather talk about it later."

The older woman nodded. "Of course. I'll make you some cocoa, you relax on the couch, and then tell me everything that happened."

The wild child nodded, and jumped onto the couch. Now that she was home and her comfy couch, she felt a bit better. But not by much. Lazily, she grabbed the TV remote and turned the screened device on just as her mom walked in with the cocoa. Setting Izzy's mug on the coffee table, she looked at her daughter in concern.

"Alright sweetheart, tell me everything that happened", the older woman said.

With a sigh, Izzy nodded, and explained to her mom all that happened since she left for the Gemmie awards. From Chris locking her and all the others out, the wild bus chase to stop the new cast, being stuck in the canyon, and how it all was a ploy to get them onto a new season. Izzy's mom listened silently, looking at her daughter carefully. There was a mixture of emotions that flash on the Psycho Hose Beast's face as she rambled on, from anger to sadness to joy to fear. She was clearly mixed on how things turned out.

"That definitely is... a lot..." The older woman said when her daughter finished her story.

Izzy sighed loudly and leaned back in her seat. "And the worst part is now I'm in a new season, and I had all these plans!" She looked at her mom in desperation. "And I told Chris I'd bring one of my friends along!"

Izzy's mom gave her distressed daughter a sombre look. "You don't seem to be happy to be a part of this new season. I thought you liked being on it?"

Izzy set her cup down so she could dramatically lean back, groaning in anguish. "Because It's not what I want anymore! I want to do what I want, with my friends. Chris is a maniac! And I know now-"

That everything is fake, her mind screamed, sealing her mouth up tightly. She... she knew that was the main reason. Everything was fake, all of it. But... it didn't feel like it. Shaking those existential thoughts from her head, she looked over at her mom and thought of a very careful response.

"That I don't have a chance at winning", the redhead said slowly. "I got Owen, Noah and Eva, sure. But everyone else would be more than happy dumping me as soon as they get the chance."

The older woman gave her girl a sad look, then pulled her into a hug. "Izzy, shush. You are an incredible girl, so creative and always looking for adventure. No matter what happens, I just know you'll do amazing."

Izzy wanted to believe her mom. She really did. But... that feeling of everything wearing a mask terrified her. She couldn't shake it. So, silently, she simply hugged tighter and nodded.

Satisfied with the answer, Izzy's mom kissed her on the head and left to clean the kitchen. Now that she was all alone, the Psycho Hose Beast, almost as if on auto pilot, walked up to her room. Closing the door, she let out a groan and flopped onto her bed, already feeling like seven years were shaved off her life. Lifting her head just a bit, Izzy became quickly aware of the subtle dampness on her cheeks.

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