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With no sign of any vehicle around, Jisung trudged down the side of the footpath in the eerie darkness. The moonlight, that was soon to be covered by heavy and dark thunderous clouds, shined dimly upon the crying boy as the cold wind around him grew stronger.

The feeling of loneliness, guilt, hurt, fear, all swirled around within the boy. He didn't know what to do, where to go, or what to feel. He just let his legs guide him to a place where he could hopefully stay at.

Jisung walked for what seemed like hours, through many streets, fields, and busy areas. The boys little legs began to feel tried as his face felt dried up from the salty tears that kept blurring his vision.

As he walked further, in the heart of the bustling city, a hidden path unveiled itself to him - a dark alleyway that was weaved through the streets. Its cobblestone pathway was coated in a strange mist, casting an eerie ambiance that sent shivers down the little boys spine.

Weathered buildings with crumbling facades loomed on either side, their narrow windows peering out like watchful eyes. He could feel his heart beating faster as he felt the air grow heavy with a mysterious energy, beckoning his soul to venture further into the depths of this gloomy passageway.

Without thinking twice, Jisung slowly walked into the alleyway. The deeper he walked in, the more chills ran down his spine. His foot came in contact with something he couldn't quite comprehend as he fell onto the dusty concrete path. The little brunette was already bruised and hurt enough, the fall only added more to the pain as he coughed up blood without knowing.

In the distance he heard a low growl causing his stomach to drop in fear. Nonetheless, Jisung pushed himself up and tried to follow the sound that had emitted from the depths of the pathway in hopes of finding some sort of shelter nearby.

Suddenly, Jisung got thrown back as something lunged towards him. The boy whimpered out in pain and sniffles as he troubled to sit up.

He opened his eyes only to be met with a small puppy on top of him. Its matted fur was clinged to its fragile frame, burdened by a weight of dirt and neglect. Eyes shimmering with sorrow and pain, it limped on its wounded paw, struggling to properly stand up.

"Are you hurt...?" Jisung whispered out as he reached out for the puppy which sat wounded on his chest. Instead of the puppy getting scared or running away back into the shadows, it came closer to the boy and curled up to him.

"I-I will take care of you..." with that Jisung stood up with the puppy in his hand and walked over to where the puppy had originally emerged out from. There on the ground he saw a small little place to rest at which was a little area combined with flimsy old cardboard and random filth.

The brunette sat down onto the ground with the puppy. The creature was small and frail, looking as if it hadn't eaten for a while, just like Jisung.

Jisung took the puppy's paw into his hand and examined it, only find a small wood chip stuck in the centre of the creatures soft paw.

"This might hurt a little, okay? Everything will be good after." the brunette said in his little voice as he quickly plucked the piece of wood out from the puppy. In return the puppy whimpered and pawed the brunettes filthy shirt with its legs but soon enough calmed down.

"There... see all better now." Jisung said with a gentle tone as he held the puppy up.

"Would you like to be my friend?" Jisung asked, his voice wavering with sleep as he looked at the creature in his lap.

The little puppy softly barked in agreement as it yearned for love. A small smile appeared onto the boys face as he held the puppy close to him and leaned against the dark, withered wall and closed his little eyes. "Let's never leave each other..."

Soon, In the distance, thunder rumbled with a deep, bellowing voice and the darkened clouds unleashed their sorrow, casting a melancholic hue across the streets. The rain, cascading like silver threads, danced in harmony with the whispers of the wind down onto the little boy as he clung tightly onto the puppy, trying to give them both warmth in such place.

His little body trembled from the harsh cold that came with the harsh down pour. Though, eventually, his tired body somehow found solace in the chaos and he fell asleep with the puppy in his arms.


790 words

『𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙿𝚎𝚒𝚌𝚎』 | MinSungWhere stories live. Discover now