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"M-Mommy!!! He c-cut up my hair with scissors, my beautiful hair is all ruined now!" A small voice rang through the upper part of the house as a little girl came crying down the stairs.

"Han Jisung! Get your damn ass into the kitchen this instant!" Said a women with zero braincells when drunk as she angrily clutched a piece of paper in her hands.

How was he supposed to get to the kitchen when he was still stuck in the basement?

The next day had already passed. It was probably the evening by now. The young boy had no idea how long he had been down there for.

Jisung had to sleep on the cold floor for the night, he felt weak to his knees... his stomach felt empty, and his face felt dry. There was not a single spec of food or water down there. He hadn't properly eaten for about three days now.

The palm of his left hand was probably infected. He couldn't tell though-since all his little eyes could register was the dried up blood around the medium sized glass shard that was still stabbing him right through the centre of his palm. It hurt a lot, but he had tried to get used to the feeling of it's pain.

He saw the handle to the basement door rapidly shake, followed along by yelling. "Han, are you in there??" her drunk voice rang through the door.

"Yes mama, I'm down here. Please get me out, I'm scared..." His voice came out rather drained and weak. Not surprising.

The door unlocked and opened immediately and there stood his mother, looking enraged.

"Why the fuck are you down here? Did you even notice that you missed a day of school?! I'm not paying for that shit for no damn reason, you hear me?!" she yelled.

"I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to." Jisung said in his quiet voice as his head drooped down low.

Reality was, that the little boy actually loved his mother a lot. Though it may sound weird... but she was the only one he had when she wasn't high or drunk. His mother and father had a divorce two years ago, and he was never allowed to meet up with him. His father wasn't an option and his siblings were just straight up menaces, always trying to get him into severe trouble.

The brunette felt his mother grab him harshly by his shirt's collar and lift him up. "How dare you speak back to me!" her words were slurred to the finest.

"First your sister came crying downstairs saying that you cut her hair??? Then I saw your damn report card... you got a fucking 90% overall! Where the hell is the 95% and above that I was expecting?!" she shouted as she dragged him harshly up the cemented basement stairs to the living room.

"M-Mama... I never cut her hair! And I tried to get better grades but I-I don't know wha-"

"Stop fucking talking! You know my children's grades should be around the high nineties! And here you are showing me the lows and such bad behaviour?!!"

"Mama I-" Jisung was trying his best not cry.

"Enough with your nonsense... I've had enough with fucking your behaviour, Han..." she grimaced.

Jisungs eyes widened as she dropped him to the floor and grabbed an empty beer bottle from the nearby counter.

No please...

She turned around and the glass bottle came crashing down towards Jisung at a rapid until it hit the top of his head, shattering into millions of pieces around him. The younger's eyes were squeezed closed with his little body trembling as he could feel the blood gushing out and dripping down the side of his face as he sat in shock. His body unable to move.

The feeling of the small glass shards piercing his skin made him want to cry out, scream even, but nothing came out of his mouth.

"Pathetic." he heard her spit.

She didn't even care that her own son was covered in blood or how the younger came home with such bad cuts or bruises almost everyday. Jisung saw her take one look at him and scoff.

Her drunken state had been getting worse...

She turned around and glared at Jisung with her sharp eyes, which were slightly red. "You know what... I don't want a son like you..." she stated in a rather simple tone.

The brunette felt his heart stop at her words.

"So you can get the hell out! You don't belong here, you disgrace!"

"M-Mama! Please listen-" the held back tears had officially broke the barrier and were now streaming down the younger's face as his whole body felt numb.

"No! I will not listen. Your grades proved to me that you will never become a decent human being!" her words were still slurred as she grabbed Jisung up by his arm and threw him towards the front of the house.

"Plus, without another brat for me to take of, I'll be able to save up more money to buy a better house and move away from this broken dump." Jisung heard hey say dismissively.

The little boy was on his knees as he held his mother's right ankle while sobbing uncontrollably, muttering many pleas.

However, without another word, she pushed him away and slammed the door shut on his face.

"Mama... please..." the words that left little Jisung's mouth were barely above a whisper as his little fists weakly banged against the now closed door.

Before he even knew it-tears were covering his whole face as his head fell against the wooden surface.

"Mama please help me, I'm really scared..."
He could feel himself sliding down against the door until his bottom met the hard pavement below.

The little boy didn't know how long he had been crying for, but as his brown eyes looked up-the sky was pitch dark now. He had been sitting out in the front for hours, hoping that maybe his mother was bluffing and would take him back inside.

Though, in the end, that never happened to be the case. He had been kicked out for good.

The 11 year old boy looked over towards the house's window and felt even more tears stream down his face while hiccuping as I saw the warm lights emitting from the inside as he sat there outside in the cold.

Jisung saw his mother serving his two other siblings dinner-who smiled happily back at her in return as they all began to eat.

The words that she said to him earlier swirled around his little head like a hurricane.

She didn't care.

His siblings didn't care.

They didn't even care that he wasn't there...

He was invisible to them...

"What do I do..?"



Hello butterflies! How are you all! How has your day been going? :]


1.1k words

『𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙿𝚎𝚒𝚌𝚎』 | MinSungWhere stories live. Discover now