Day 10 : Home for the Holidays

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Christmas was always a nerve racking time for you, not having the best memories. Your parents got divorced during Christmas time, as well as the boyfriend of four years up and joining the Army around the same time just two Christmas's after the divorce. The two Christmas's in between those two life altering moments were spent being tossed back and forth between both parents. Having to divide up holidays, while also being discussed about as if if you were not in the room. You were 16 when they dropped the bomb on you, then 19 when your boyfriend left.

If you were being honest with yourself, him leaving hurt more than the divorce. The two of you started dating when you were 15, all through out high school. Then you both had plans to go to MIT together, but halfway through the first year he confided in you that this was not the right fit for him. So after first semester he dropped out, you were crushed. Both of you promised to stay in touch but of course that didn't last for too long.  You ended up graduating MIT and getting a job out in LA using your degree in computer engineering. 

Here you were now, in the present, back home in Mission City already dreading your time here. Sure it's where you grew up, and you should love being back home but it held too may bad memories. Already dreading Christmas with your parents after the fiasco that was Thanksgiving. 

You made your way through the market with a basket hanging on your arm as you walked down the aisle full of liquor already reaching for the chardonnay "I'm gonna need this to get through Christmas." You whispered to yourself, sitting it down inside the basket.

When you went to turn around though you rammed chest first into another body "Oh god, I'm sorry."

"It's alright really I-" Then the man looked up at you with his eyes wide "Y/n?"

Oh god, no this is not happening. "Mac?" Now frozen in shock "W-what are you? I- how are you- here?"

Mac swallowed nervously while shuffling from one foot to another "I'm here with Boze, spending Christmas with him and his folks."

Aw Bozer, you missed that dude. You were almost as close with him as you were with Mac.

"O-Oh, that's um-nice. Well I should- I need to get going." You stuttered out, already turning to walk away from him.

"Y/n wait, please." Mac pleaded but you were already halfway down the aisle. 

You were practically running to check out with Mac hot on your heels. All you wanted to do was pay for your booze and get the hell out of there "Just this thanks." You smiled at the cashier, while pulling out your ID.

"Y/n it's been ten years since I've seen you? Can we please talk?" Mac said, slightly out of breath as he stood at the register with you.

Ignoring Mac, you showed the woman your ID "I don't need a bag thanks." Already starting to pay for it with some cash from your purse. Trying the whole time to ignore Mac, once she was done you grabbed the bottle and started booking it out of there.

"Y/n!" He was right behind you, following you to your car. You looked around already seeing some people start to stare. You didn't want people to get the wrong idea thinking Mac was trying to hurt you or was harassing you so you finally stopped at your car to face him.

"Mac we do not need to talk, please, I don't want to. It was nice seeing you again but I really think we should just forget about this." You frowned, practically clutching the bottle in your hands in a death grip.

Mac sighed, leaning against the trunk of your car "God your fast." He said, still heaving for air "Please Y/n I- I know I hurt you when I left and I'm sorry. I- over the years I wondered if I would ever see you again." He looked up at you with sorrow and regret. "I just want to talk, catch up. What are you doing for Christmas? I imagine by the bottle of wine you are holding your spending it with your parents?" 

Looking down at the ground you sighed, not wanting to do this and yet "I am spending Christmas morning with my mother and the afternoon with my father." 

"So your evening is free then?" Mac smiled, already standing up from leaning against your car.

"Mac it's not-" You started.

"Not a good idea I know, I know you don't think it is but it won't be just me, you'll get to see Bozer again? His parent's?" Mac smiled, hopeful that would change his mind knowing you always had a soft spot for their family since you had always wished that had been the type of family you grew up with.

You stood there contemplating before letting out a dragged out sigh "Fine. I can be there around 5." 

"Great! It's still the same house. I'll see you then y/n." Mac smiled, wanting to give you a hug so bad but not wanting to make you any more uncomfortable than you already were so he just waved at you before walking back to his car.

When you got in your car you were already regretting that you had agreed to this. Spending the entire evening with your ex? The man that broke your heart? What could possibly go wrong?


Ok I know it's short but hear me out haha. I have planned for the last three days to be a three part event so stay tuned for the next two parts ;)

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