I Love You

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Sorry if it isn't the best, I stayed up till 1 am writing this for you guys haha, here's part 3 ❤❤


The four of you finally tracked down the man who was behind the sex trafficking ring, Riley sat in a repairmans van, doing surveillance on the building inside. As she talked the four of you through all of the security men surrounding the place.

Jack and Desi teamed up and took one side of the building, forcing you and Mac alone to team up and take the other side. You hadn't spoken about what happens in the hospital yet, and you were putting it off as long as possible. You kept your guard up, and your gun pointed outwards as you carefully turned each corner. Mac was closely behind you.

"I see you still don't do guns." You whispered lowly, still staying alert.

"I see you still don't know how to share your feelings." He snapped back, clearly irritated.

You quickly turned around and glared at him "Do you really think now is the best time to talk about it? Cause I don't."

"Of course you don't, but when is it ever going to be a good time. You'll just fine some other excuse to avoid the subject." Mac retorted back at you.

"Right, how dare I be focused on catching a dangerous criminal, when really I should be sharing my feelings." You said sarcastically.

"Uh guys, you might want to put a pin in your little spat, you've got company coming your way y/n. Two armed guys are coming your way." Riley said into the comms.

"Great, I need to get out some aggression." You turned to Mac "Stay back, their mine."

Mac just rolled his eyes, and stood there with his arms crossed. Just then those two guys came around the corner, you handed Mac your gun "Hold this, if you aren't too freaked out that is." Mac just groaned in annoyance, watching as you quickly and very angerly took out both of the guards. Then yanking your gun from Mac.

The two of you were rounding the corner of the building, you looked in and saw about three men. One standing there yelling at the other two, you figured he was your guy. You and Mac looked over to the other side of the building and saw Jack and Desi.

"I don't care what it takes! Get me more girls and more clients. I'm trying to run a buisness here!" The man shouted at the others.

You looked over at Jack and gave him a nod, before all of your ran in with your guns held high. Each of them now being held at gunpoint by the three of you, minus Mac of course.

"Hey Mac, you think you could make a little something to keep our friends here from going anywhere?" You said out loud.

"Well of course, home zipties coming right up." He said, before quickly getting to work.

"You can't prove anything." The head man said in a cocky tone.

"Oh are you sure about that, cause that little confession is enough in my opinion." You said as you pointed to a little camera attached to your vest, curiosity of Riley. "Plus all of your previous clients already turned on you for a lesser jail sentence. One of them even told us about the secret location that you hold your secret meetings at, and here we are." You said sarcastically.

Next thing you knew Mac was tying them up with something he had concocted, and were going to prison for a very long time and you guys were going home.


*1 week later*

You had to go back to DC and get debriefed on the whole ordeal, as well as turn in your resignation. After this whole experience, there were times that you didn't know if you'd make it out alive. It was those moments that you realized there was so much left you wanted to do before you left this world. With such a dangerous job like this one, who knew if you'd get to do any of those things. One of those things was to tell the people in your life that you loved them. Which is how you ended up back on a plane heading to LA.

You had gotten Macs address from Jack and decided that you two still had alot of unresolved feelings. Mac had poured his heart out to you, he deserved at least something from you.

When you had landed you immediately took a cab to his place, with your luggage and everything. You didn't even take the time to book a hotel, you just went.

As you stood there waiting for the door to answer, the person who answered wasn't who you were expecting "Uh I'm sorry, I was looking for Mac?"

Bozer perked up when he instantly recognized you "Your y/n?! It's so nice to finally meet you I'm Bozer, the best friend slash roommate."

"Oh, yes, Mac talked alot about you while we were stationed together. How did you know I was y/n?"

"Oh Mac keeps a picture of the two of you in his wallet, but uh I'm not suppose to know that so, let's keep that between us." He laughed nervously, while helping you with your bags.

You stepped inside, as you shut the door you were still surprised that Mac  had kept that picture all these years. "Uh sure your secret is safe with me. It was really nice meeting you but I really need to talk to Mac."

Bozer nodded "Yeah of course, he's out back on the terrace."

You thanked Bozer before walking outside, seeing Macs back turned to you. "Nice view." You said, causing Mac to jump back at the sudden voice, as you quietly apologized for scaring him.

"Y/n what're you doing here?" He asked, almost dissatisfied.

"Mac, I, I came to say....well I...this is harder than I thought it'd be. You put your whole heart out there, more than once actually. I didn't respond well either times. I left the CIA, almost dying I realized there were things I wanted to do, things I wanted to say before my time is up. I'm moving to LA, to get to know you again, if it means starting over okay. I'm prepared to do whatever it takes to show you how much you mean to me....how much I love you."

Mac looked down from the ground when you said that last part, just staring at you in disbelief "What did you say?"

You smirked slightly, taking a step over to him "You heard me, I love you. I have since we shared that first night together. Then, well not to repeat what you said, but you were right back at the hospital. I was petrified that I was going go lose you, but life is too short to not tell the people you love that you love then. So here I am telling you I love you and that I want to be with you." You smiled up at Mac.

Mac stared at you, still in disbelief, as he gently place his beer down before taking your face in his hands "I love you y/n." He pressed his lips passionately against yours, feeling that only familiar feeling he would get when the both of you kissed. Only this time it was even more intense, because it was fueled by love.

The two of you were passionately kissing one another before someone loudly cleared there throat, causing you both to look over.

Bozer awkwardly stood there "Not that I mean to interrupt but uh I'm gonna go hang out at Jack's, ya know in case yall plan on getting freaky." He winked before running out of the house in a hurry.

Mac and you both laughed, before each of you began looking at eachother with the same hunger and lust in your eyes "Is he right? Are we gonna get freaky?" You teased with a slight smirk playing on your lips.

Mac just smirked in response as he lifted you up and ran to his bedroom with your giggle echoing through the halls. That night you spent the evening being devoured by the man you loved as you two passionately made love, you were ready to fearlessly fall for every bit of this wonderful man. No longer being scared to love or being scared to be loved.

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