Happy Anniversary

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"Think woman think." You muttered to yourself as you paced back and forth in the living room. In one week, you will be celebrating your second year with Mac. Yet you still don't have a gift yet. How do you buy something for someone who can make everything out of anything?

It was hard enough being a secret agent spy, mix that it with dating one and then to top it all off have it be Angus Macgyver. The man was perfect, you could swear to anyone who'd ask what he was like, he doesn't have any flaws! What was even more pressure was trying to top what he did last year for your guyss first anniversary.

When you heard a knock on the door you practically ran to answer it. There stood Bozer and Riley, and as you pulled them into the house you huffed "Finally! What took you guys so long? Mac will be home any mintue and I need help!"

Bozer grunted "Damn woman, easy on the pulling and tugging. What is the big emergency?"

"I am freaking out. It's our anniversary next week and I still don't have any ideas! I have to do better than last year!" You frowned, plopping down on the couch.

Riley shook her head as she sat next to you "What are you talking about Mac loved what you got him?"

"Let's compare shall we? Now what did Mac do? Do I need to remind you? He made it himself remember? It was a Kaleidoscope that he had made himself and put all of the pictures of us in our first year of dating in it. Now let's rehash what I got him, a plain old stupid tie. You guys! Help!"

Bozer lightly sucked his teeth as he remembered "Right, yeah I see your dilemma. I'm sure it's alot of pressure dating the Angus Macgyver."

Riley shot Bozer a deadly look, not helping, before she quickly tried to calm you down "So you don't know how to hand make gifts like Mac so what? I'm sure we can help you come up with something. Maybe hopefully better than a tie."

You pouted at Riley before falling on your side, now laying on the couch. "It's hopeless. Mac is going to make me something amazing and thoughtful and I'm gonna end up buying him gum."

There was a long silence before Bozer clapped his hands together when a idea popped into his head. As he went to say it you quickly cut him off. "I'm not buying him a box of paperclips Boze!"

"Fine then, be that way." He huffed before strutting to the kitchen.

Riley patted you on the leg "Come on, let gets you up." She pulled you up from the couch by your arms "You need to slap a smile on that face of yours. You said it yourself he'll be home soon. Do you really want him to see you like this?"

"Your right Riles, besides I'm sure I'll come up with something." The two of you went to the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen island "Boze, you've known him the longest. You gotta help me."

Boze frowned when he saw how defeated you were, as another idea popped into his head "Actually, I might have something."

You suddenly popped up in excitement "Really?! Well what is it?"

Before Bozer could say anything else Mac came walking into the house, surprised to see Bozer and Riley both there "Hey guys? What are you doing here?"

Riley and Bozer exchanged worried panicked looks before you covered for them "Oh, they were just dropping by to see if we wanted to go have lunch with them but I told them you were out getting us lunch."

"Oh my bad guys, I would've gotten more food if I had known you'd be stopping by." Mac said as he placed the food on the counter.

Riley waved at him nonchalantly "Don't worry about it, come on Boze let's go grab some grub. Your buying, you guys enjoy your lunch." She smiled awkwardly, trying hard to not show that she was hiding something.

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