No More Doubts.

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Hey guys! Here's part 3 of "Undercover Antics" & "Trouble All Around". Hope you enjoy!


Doubts? The word repeated over and over again while Mac circled the block. He hadn't paid any attention at how long he had been walking or what time it was. It wasn't until a ringing rang through his pocket, causing him to pull out his phone to see Matty calling. 

"Yeah Matty?" He answered, still somewhat distracted.

"It was a set up, no one ever showed up which means it was a ruse for whatever they really had planned. You and Y/n need to keep an eye in case our visitors come to pay you a visit. They must've found the bugs which means they could show up there any minute. You two need to get out of there now!" Matty's voice boomed through like a tidal wave. 

However, Mac felt like all the color had drained from his face, and fear immediately took over. Not knowing seconds had gone by of him not saying a word. This caused Matty to shout his name in annoyance to get his attention back.

"I'm not at the house." He said in a eerie tone of voice.

"What the hell do you mean you aren't there Macgyver. I told you both to stay put in that house why the hell did you leave her alone! Get back there now, fast! It's possible I'm too late!" Matty said in a distraught matter.

All Mac could do was hang up and run back to the house as fast as he could. Why did you leave the house? Now that was what was on a loop in his head instead of the previous thought. Matty's voice echoing over and over. Why did you leave her alone? What were you thinking? 

Soon enough you rounded the street of where the house was, and once you reached the front of the lawn that's when you saw it. The door kicked in, and it laying dead in the middle of the foyer. Your legs couldn't move at first, until you finally reached the inside of the house.  

In an instant, you saw her, soon running to her side. Ignoring the state the room was in, from the power struggle between her and the criminal. All he was focused on was her, her beautiful face now covered in blood, and small pieces of glass stuck in the flesh of her skin. A black eye former on one side of her face now beginning to swell shut and fat lip on the opposing side of her mouth. You knew how well trained y/n was, which meant this had to have been one hell of a fight. Secretly praying the other guy looked worse.

"Y/n wake up. Please, y/n can you hear me?" You pleaded and begged for her to open those beautiful eyes of hers. Knowing this was all your fault, you simply held her in your arms and sobbed. Luckily she still had a pulse, thank god but all you could focus on was the state she was in. All because you left the damn house.


Within the next half hour Matty had already arrived with a team, as two employees from the Phoenix foundation took Y/n back to the Phoenix to the infirmary to have doctors there check her out. Mac sat still on the floor where her body was, frozen in shock as a team of specialists began to clean up the crime scene. Matty frowned as she walked over to Mac, gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Mac we need to leave, let them do their jobs and I need you to do yours. The best way to avenge Y/n is to get this son of a bitch. Which means I need that brain of yours. There's two bullets missing from the barrel of the gun that was left, and since y/n had no bullet wounds it means he was hit. I've got Riley running a trace on any medical facilities that have a gun shot wound coming in. Based on the blood splatters from the impact on the wall we can tell he got hit in the left shoulder. She tried firing again but missed and got the wall next to the doorframe, based on how close it was to his head it may have caused hearing damage. That's something, but I need you to get more. Jack, Riley, Bozer and I need you Mac. Y/n needs to see you when she wakes up." 

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