"Where's My Love?"

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Song: "Where's my Love?" By: Syml

I discovered this song from the scene that picture is from ⬆️. So I thought why not do a story about that song since it's in the show. So of course I had to use a picture from that scene with that song.

Warning:  Now I looked up the meaning of that song. It's about depression and anxiety and struggling with those things while trying to understand why you belong in this world. If you struggle with either of these things please don't read this one. I'm not sure how my writing is going to be or if it will affect you in anyway but I do not want to take that chance. If you decide to read it and halfway through start to feel uncomfortable in anyway please leave. If anyone is reading this and is experiencing either of these, I want you to know I support you. You will get through this, and know that things always have a way of getting better ❤
Take care of yourself ❤❤.

Edit: once I got started writing this the idea came to me to base this off of her being in the army. So there will be mention of ptsd. Again. If you have served and are sensitive to this type of material please do not read ❤


"Cold bones, yeah, that's my love
She hides away, like a ghost

Does she know that we bleed the same?
Don't wanna cry but I break that way

Cold sheets, but where's my love?
I am searching high
I'm searching low in the night

Does she know that we bleed the same?
Don't wanna cry but I break that way."

Life. You often found yourself struggling with the word, with the meaning. What defined life? Why are we all here? Why are you here? What makes you so special that you get to live? Why you when you see so many people die everyday?

Ever since you were a little girl all you ever wanted to do was help people, to heal people. So straight out of high school you decided to go to med school. You had plans to be a neuro surgeon but plans changed. Next thing you know your a trauma surgeon in the middle of Afghanistan. You knew that was where you belonged, that's where you were needed, you knew it would be hard but you never could've imagined just how much of a toll it would take.

You did two tours, and you were finally home from your third and final one. That's where you had met Mac, when he was a bomb tech. Even after he went home during your second tour you both kept in touch. He knew you didn't have anyone else to write to, so he vowed to be your pen pal. Once he found out you were coming home from your tour he asked to pick you up from the airport.

You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel something for the man. The both of you had gotten real close over the years, but you were only ever friends. However, you would never tell Mac about your feelings, you couldn't. You see here lately you knew all of these tours, everything you had witnessed, you were damaged goods. Mac didn't need that in his life.

As you say there on the aircraft, you could feel it starting to make it's decent towards the tarmac of the airport. You were trying to get a grip on your emotions, it had been so long since you'd seen him. Looking down at your hands you noticed they were shaking, trembling even. So you tried your best to take in a deep breath and relax, Mac didn't need to see you like this. No one did.

You let everyone get off the plane first, and as you made your approach down the stairs your eyes instantly squinted at the bright sunlight blinding your vision. After being in that airplane for many hours in the dark, your eyes needed to readjust to the light. It wasn't until you got to the bottom of the steps that you saw him. You felt yourself smile at the sight of him, holding out a bouquet of your favorite flowers and standing there with an enormous grin on his face.

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