Day 9 : Christmas Dinner

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It was your first Christmas with the team, you had only been working at the Phoenix for three months. Having spent Thanksgiving with all of them at Mac's house you were not surprised when they invited you over for Christmas as well. They all knew you had no family, and did not want you to be alone for the holidays.

Mac had assured you that you did not have to worry about gifts since no one else on the team were doing gifts this year either. That took some of the pressure off of you since you had not been there long enough to know what to get anyone in terms of a gift they would love. Mac had also mentioned something about a Christmas pastrami instead of ham as he went on about how Boze was "different" but to be honest you did not hear much of what he was saying.

All you could remember was drifting off in a daze as you stared at Mac, over these last few months you had developed somewhat of a crush on him.  You knew it was not a good idea to fall for somehow you work with, yet despite this all you could do was think about him all of the time. He was kind, funny, smart, and handsome, the whole package. You tried to push your feelings deep, deep, deep down but it was no use.

So now here you are walking up his driveway 15 minutes late all because you couldn't decide on what to wear. Then there was the choosing of which perfume you'd wear, trying to pick one where you would not smell like an elderly lady. You used your free hand to glide it down the front of the skirt you were wearing while your other hand held the cherry pie you had brought. 

Taking a deep breath you eventually rang the doorbell, and within a minute the door swung wide open "Y/n you made it!" Mac stood there with that all too familiar smile that made your knees grow weak. 

You smiled back at him as you walked inside "Sorry I'm late, traffic." You lied, but you guys lived in LA so it was believable. Looking him over you saw how good he looked, and all he was wearing was a pair of jeans and a navy blue flannel. 

Mac waved his hand at you "No big deal. Here I'll take that, I told you, you didn't have to bring anything." He teased, taking the pie from your hands as he walked it over to the kitchen.

You smiled, following him over to the open kitchen area "I know but I'm the new kid, I need to make sure I am pulling my weight." 

Mac just laughed, setting it down on the counter as he turned to you "After that stunt you pulled in Budapest, taking out six guards by yourself, I think you do just fine." 

You couldn't help but blush at Mac's praise "I meant outside of the field but thank you."

Mac just smiled back at you "Your welcome." 

For awhile the two of you just kept intense eye contact, the way he was looking at you made your face grow hot. Is it possible this crush isn't just one sided?

"Y/n!" You heard someone shouting your name and then just like that Bozer was engulfing you in a huge bear hug. 

You couldn't help but laugh "Easy Boze." 

Riley came sauntering around the corner and smacked Bozer upside the head "Release before you squeeze her to death."

Bozer huffed in disapproval before letting you go "Ow Riles! Not cool!" 

You laughed at Bozer while Riley gave you a more gentle hug than Boze did "Hey girl." She grinned at you.

"Hey Riles." You said back.


"So, when you gonna tell Mac you've got the hots for him." Riley says so casual that you almost don't catch until you do. 

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