Liquid Courage

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A/N: this idea for a plot popped into my head at 1 am last night when I was trying to fall asleep 😴🤣


It had been a chaotic day, hell more like the last 48 hours were like that. Finishing up an intense mission, it was close too close. You and Mac almost didn't make it out of there alive.

Which led you here, at Macs place. Sitting with him on his back terrace contemplating this life you guys lived.  You both sipped on your beers, looking at the stars while looking at the other from time to time.

You were both on your third and fourth bottles at this point. Feeling yourself begin to unwind you smiled over at Mac "Let's play a game."

Mac smirked as he sat up in his chair "What kind of game?"

"Never have I ever? Know how to play?" When Mac shook his head you smiled sweetly before explaining the rules. "It's easy, you say a statement like, never have I ever went skinny dipping. If you haven't don't do anything but if you have take a sip of beer."

Mac pulled his chair closer to you as he had a playful look on his face "Well have you been skinny dipping before or not?"

You smirked as you kept strong eye contact while taking a sip of beer. Mac's eyebrows raised in surprise, he never would've guessed that.

"Okay then, my turn. Never have I ever caused a Russian solider to cry like a baby while breaking his arm." He smirked.

Remembering that mission a few months ago, you indeed did break his arm while he cried out in pain. So naturally you took a sip of your beer. "Never have I ever dated a secret double agent." You said referring to Mac's ex, Nikki.

Mac rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his beer. Suddenly Mac got very serious, as he kept a strong eye contact with you "Never have I ever fallen for a coworker."

You both sat there for at least a minute, neither of you wanting to be the first to take a sip. It was obvious from the very beginning that there was a organic chemistry between both of you. Finally, Mac took the first sip. Your eyes never leaving his as you lifted the bottle to your lips as you swallowed some of the liquid yourself.

In an instant, you were both launching out of your chairs and running to the other one. As Mac feverishly began to devour your lips, the alcohol vivid on both his and your breaths. After some time you were both struggling for air, as you breathless grabbed his belt in your hands.

"Mm, y/n wait...wait." Mac put his hands over yours as he stopped you from undoing his belt. Trying to catch his breath he shook his head "Not like this."

You looked up at him puzzled "What do you mean? Mac, don't you want me?" You frowned slightly as you took a step back.

Mac then frowned when he saw you upset "Are you kidding me? Of course I want you, I have since the day I meant you but not like this. We've been drinking y/n."

You shook your head "It's not like we're drunk Mac, we are just a little buzzed you talk like you'd be taking advantage of me. You wouldn't be." You then bravely and confidently lifted your shirt over your head. Now standing there in your bra.

"Y/n please don't make this harder than it already is. I may not be taking advantage of you if we do this but. I want to have a clear mind, I want us both to, so that we can remember every detail of our first time together." He walked over to you, picking your shirt up off the ground as he covered your upper half.

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