{27}- Project Watcher | Flashback: Skyfall

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"Let's see... Honkai keypad... ah, here." He opened up a small hatch containing a tiny screen, to which he injected a tiny bit of his Honkai Energy into, and the floor beneath him gave away and close up immediately after as he crashed down into the floor, landing on a bag of chips with a loud CRUNCH.

"So much for stealth...seriously- woah!"

A high-tech pistol was aimed directly at his forehead as he saw a blue haired girl gazing at him intensely with her red irises, akin to a demon of some sorts.

"Speak. Identity and purpose. Now, if you don't want to get your head blown off."

"I- I am Xavier Cassenil of Providence Industries! The original- I mean Gabriel, sent me to deliver news to you!"

"Gabriel? Huh... he's grown so bold to the point he's not even going to come see me himself? Honestly... so? The letter? What's the new gig this time?"

"Um... here." Xavier fished out a piece of paper from his jacket, and handed it to the girl, who read it in less than 30 seconds.

"Interesting... well, don't just stand there. We're going to the labs. You're going to be Tesla's present in exchange for her pay this year."

"Wait, what...?"

"Don't worry... Xavier, was it? Gabriel might not have told you this, but Nancy Edison does not mistreat her guests."


May 4th, 1966

Providence HQ - Oceanwatch

Carribbean Sea

"Hugo, are you ready?"

"Absolutely, Gabe!" The clone named Hugo jumped up and down in excitement. "I mean, it's the Sea of Quanta! I'll be the first of this era to traverse it! How cool is that?"

"Yes, yes, it'll be very cool..."

I watched my clone, Hugo, bounce up and down in excitement as the contents of his bag shook with a constant noise. Out of all the clones, Hugo possessed 98% of my powers, which is why I trust him in undertaking this mission compared to anyone else. However, the cost of that inheritance may have sacrificed some of his intelligence, and also stunted his growth at 14 years old physically. That doesn't exactly make him any less smart than any of us... he's just a bit more childlike in nature.

"Okay, so you remember all our objectives, correct?"

"Yup yup! I memorized them all, and even have the list in my bag! Don't worry, I'll make sure to set up all the beacons."

"Yeah... well then... good luck, Hugo. It's very dangerous down there, and make sure you find Schrö-chan, alright? She'll be very lonely otherwise..."

"Aww... do you luv this Schrö-chan, Gabriel?"

"Wha- no! She's just a good friend of my other friends, and it's my duty as a friend to look out for each other."

"Right... so you don't mind if I-"

"Go right ahead."

"I didn't even finish my sentence Gabe..."

"What? If you could, then you should go ahead. I'm not doubting your abilities, since you inherited about 98% of my powers anyways..."

"You... you actually won't be-"

"No? We're kinda literally the same person. What shame is that? Are you implying that I'm supposed to cry or something every time my clone finds someone they love and starts a relationship? Come on, we all have waaayyyyy to many options here."

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