{8}- Reason & Legacy | Harmony's Message

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The museum manager was coughing and in utter shock as Einstein's machine continued radiating that awful were whirring noise, and bro looks like he just went to heaven and back. "You... you lot..."

And now he's really going to speak the language of the gods.





How the hell did you predict that?! 

I'm Gabriel. 

That does not answer my question! 


The museum manager ran out within a minute of Einstein's operation, although he insisted that he was going to supervise. Coward. Bro's probably going to be remembering this moment.

"Welt!" Tesla suddenly shouted in urgency. "Plug your ears!"

"No! I can't do that right now!" Welt was cupping his hands hard onto Einstein's ears, who wasn't covering her own because she was operating the machine.

You bozo...

Sighing at my friend's obvious simping behaviour, I decided to destroy the sound waves by telekinetically creating vibrations that created destructive interference upon contact. 

Even Einstein was slightly surprised. "Please don't do that. Take care of yourself first. I'm fine."

Information Complete. Resonant-form Soulium creation measures have been prepped.

Good. All according to keikaku.

System Alpha, begin collection of liquid Soulium data. It's flowing out fast, and we only have a short timeframe to study it before Einstein contains it.

Roger that. Data analyst mode has been set. 

Einstein was completely calm and focused on operating the machine, despite the clear fact of the vibrating sound waves that made people's hairs stand on end. That tubular amplifier device seemed as steady as ever in her hands.

If anyone was ever fortunate enough to have witnessed drops of mercury vibrating on a loudspeaker horn, it may be easier for them to imagine what is happening before the eyes of Welt and company. As the microwave-emitting machine operates steadily at full load, the 'protective film' of the painting slowly becomes opaque, revealing the unique silvery-white lustre of metal. Drops of liquid metal continuously seep out and vibrate on the canvas, as if they were beads of sweat, and gradually the metal begins to separate from the painting. 

What a glorious sight this is. The future and past of humanity, emerging before our very eyes.

2 minutes and 55 seconds in, Tesla is seriously worried. "Oi! You idiot, listen to me! If you continue like that, your ears won't be able to stand much more of it!"

"Please don't do that... Ein will be fine..." Einstein tried to convince Welt that he was attempting something meaningless, but Welt's simp energy was flowing hard and there was no way I'm going to try to talk sense into him. However, it's not like he'll be affected much, either - since he is a Herrscher after all.

"You didn't have to do that. Seriously." Einstein said again, slightly exasperated as the machine stopped.

"What nonsense... are you saying..." Despite my telekinesis helping him deflect the waves, Welt looked a little strained, probably due to his muscles and the waves I couldn't completely cancel out. After all, it was my first time trying that out.

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