{19}- Reason & Mastermind | The Eleventh Hour

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In the sky above New York

"Sigh... she already fell asleep. Well, at least she's living up to that princess title."

I sighed as I landed next to the building that Edison owned, her own 'Edison Consolidation Building'. It's now temporarily abandoned due to everyone's evacuation, but it makes for a perfect place to hide her for now.

I descended into the basement, breaking through floors until I breach all the way down to the bottom level. Creating a box coated in PE era detection evasion technology, I laid Edison down in a king sized bed after removing her Interferometer Armour and changed her into a set of pyjamas.

Edison rolled over a little in the bed, turning her face towards me, but her consciousness has yet to stir. Lightly brushing her messed up hair away from her face, an image of beauty flashed before my eyes, and I let out a slight chuckle.

"Sleep tight."

I bursted upwards, sealing each floor's damage as I ascended, before I halted at the ground layer, and walked out of the building as the sun shone bright on my face.

"It's a good day."

I need to keep telling myself that...hah...

The data of a blonde Finnish man suddenly appeared in my mindscape, supplied by Ritsu's satellite scan system.


Breathe in... breathe out...


"Today is going to be a beautiful day."



Everyone was silent.

Edison's radio signal has been cut off. Within the next 10 minutes of the drive, the car was silent with grief. Nobody knew what to say, yet nobody dared to cry. Because as far as they knew, Edison's sacrifice will not be in vain.

"You should all head to a safe place." Reanna explained when they all stepped out of the car, onto an abandoned coastal street. "I'll go do some recon."

"Hey, wait a minute..." But before Tesla could finish, a man staggered out onto the street, and everyone's eyes widened.

"Isn't that-?" Welt exclaimed as he recognized the man's facial features, albeit a lot more crestfallen now.

Finn staggered towards the group, a solemn look clouding his face.


"Hey, Finn!" Tesla shouted as they all ran over, worried. "Is everything alright?"

"... I also received Miss Edison's signal, by using a machine from the shelter."

"Is everyone okay?" Schrödinger stepped forward, leaning on White Flower, which now acted as a cane of sorts.

"Yes... they're all alive..." Finn gritted his teeth, before a surge of anger unlike any other bursted out. "No, that's beside the point!"

"What's going on, Finn?" Einstein questioned, surprised by his unusual outburst.

"I didn't come here to tell you all that! I..."

"Hm? If you have something to say, then say it clearly!" Tesla demanded.

"This is... all my fault! I fell for his threat!" Finn shouted, tears streaming down his cheeks. "J-Joachim! He threatened to take my son hostage!"

Everyone's faces were nought but shock as Finn continued.

Wish of the Honkai: Saga EinsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora