{2}- Reason & Existence | Discovery

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Gabriel POV

I am going to annoy Tesla today for sure.

It is unforgivable to slam the door in my face when half of my body is still in the door!

Welt can see me, so he will let me come out first, but the violent twintails decided to shut the door on us because she wanted us out of the house until noon.

"Go out there and get familiar with the environment! And don't come back until noon!"

Hey, I'm also a Schicksal member, why is she treating me so roughly?

I'm pretty sure Tesla does that to everyone, Welt.

Somehow... it doesn't feel that bad.

I'm either sensing a M awakening from you...


...or... you enjoy their company.

Welt paused in the middle of the street, looking at my apparition form with slight discomfort. "Sigh... what am I even thinking about..."

"I'm just glad that I'm finally somewhat free from the grasp of Schicksal."


Yeah, I'm happy too. So let's enjoy ourselves for now, okay?

I suppose. 

We walked around some more, and gazed at the various scenery around us, savouring the sight the lies around us, having been stuck in a lab for 3 years.

What a wonderful world it is... isn't it, Gabriel? 


"My ideas seem uncreative, to be honest. Let alone Einstein, even Tesla will feel bored if I just simply told her that resting on a bench to pass the time is a form of relaxation."

Hmm... perhaps some forms of relaxation lies in the most simplest of things? I find stargazing while lying on the grass to be quite relaxing - a nice change from all the working scenery... not that I had any chance to go do that...


Sorry, reminiscing about my past again.

It's okay. Speaking of which, were you happy? In your past life?

I fell silent. Happiness didn't exactly describe my time before death.

Somewhat, I guess?

The days of gacha games have long passed - that was at least 5 years ago...

My friends have either moved on or found new jobs, people, or hobbies...

My solo gaming days in a world that slowly diminished was painful - but maybe being surrounded by 2D pixels who would occasionally cheer you on with pre-recorded voice lines isn't that bad...

Sigh... I'm such an idiot as well.

Those days have passed, Welt. All I need to do now is make sure we survive, and arrive at that happy ending we both wish for.

I...then I'll work hard, too!

Heh. Isn't this kid interesting...

I'm speaking as if I'm 80...

But watching Welt's growth has been entertaining for sure...

Let's see how far you'll go, Welt Joyce.


We arrived at the library shortly after, and was greeted by a blonde man, who we presumed to be the librarian. He spoke in a strange accent, reminding me of my Finnish friend.

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