{17}- Reason & Breakthrough | Welt Joyce's Awakening

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"Let's talk about the past."

A blonde figure appeared in a space different from the mindscape, speaking to her from within.

"There was a certain Greek hero. Anyways, he was a great man and his ship was turned into a momument of sorts, and was worshipped by the people. But time is cruel and the ship slowly decayed. The locals came up with a way to preserve their favourite ship: every year, each part of the ship will be inspected, and any part that is rotten will be rebuild."

"A few hundred years pass, and a philosopher comes by to inspect the ship. By then every part had already been replaced at least once. The philosopher was very saddened by that fact, and asked 'is this still the original ship?'"

The locals replied mindlessly - "Philosopher, if you do not believe this ship to be the original, when do you think it stopped being so? As you must know, that even during the great hero's voyage were some parts replaced."


Reanna startled awake from her dream, gazing around the room.

Huh... I'm sitting on a bench.

Ah... I must've passed out after the red-haired girl brought me here.

How embarrasing... even though the energy consumption of the Zeroth Power should be insignificant.

I think... I might be lowering my guard around these people, honestly.

The smell of carbolic acid filled the air as Reanna noticed a small ray of sunlight seeping through a window placed diagonally on the ceiling. How odd for a clinic.

"Hi." A sudden voice echoed before she turned around and faced a woman with her hand outstretched.

"Um... hello." Seeing that the person wanted to shake hands, Reanna grasped the woman's hand in greeting.

"I am Mikhail Morgan. The person in charge of this clinic."

"Reanna Brigantia. Valkyrie of Schicksal."

"Do you perhaps need some high calorie foods? Your friends are replenishing their energy next door."

"Oh, um, no need. I had a full breakfast."

"Well, I guess I'll enjoy it myself..." With that, she threw the piece of chocolate in her mouth before continuing. "Thank you. If it weren't for you, that idiot Elaine would've died right several times already. Though it intrigues me: what exactly is this medical equipment of yours?"

"Ahaha... um. About that..."


"Well, this caviar tastes really good. And so is the bread." Einstein remarked as she continued consuming the gourmet that the people offered us.

"Right? They always have some way of getting their hands on really good stuff: Captain Urga caviar, Istraya truffle, and the Iberian Oak Ham...

"Eh? Is Dr. Morgan that rich?" Tesla was surprised.

"Well... should I say that I have a lot more money, or that I know more people..." Elaine professed shyly.

"Uh-huh." A girl rabbit ear ribbons walked over. "No matter how delicious the delicacies of the mountains and the sea are, your stomach can't be filled, correct? C'mon, wait just a minute: banana chocolate cake!"

"Mhm! It smells so good!" Tesla's eyes lit up once again like a child.

"It's even better than the ones my mom used to make!" Mbemba approved as well.

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