{7}- Reason & Reconnaissance | Paintings & Secrets

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Gabriel POV 

"Oi! What are you two whispering about?!"

An angry Tesla threw all her shopping items onto Welt, forcing me to relinquish my duties and tinkering inside the mindscape and use my telekinesis to prevent my boy Welt from dying of exhaustion. As usual, the red-haired twintails is mad again.

Seems like someone is in a bad mood. 

I didn't even do anything.

Don't worry, I believe you. Besides, this is Tesla we're talking about.

"Hey! We're on the streets! What if something breaks?" Welt snapped back in worry after I repositioned the items well.

"You're paying for it, then." Tesla shrugged.

"That's beyond mean..."

"I thought it was obvious. Since Finn has left to do translation work, you need to take over all of his male duties. Is that hard to understand? Then again, if Planck hadn't gone to Vienna, I guess maybe she could help you with those menial tasks..."

Of course it's hard to understand. Why do you have to buy so much random stuff everywhere you go...

*sips* ☕️ Women.


What? It's a meme.

"By the way, she was asking you what we were talking about." Einstein, who was ahead of the group at this point, relayed the information to Welt.

"...ah?! That's what she was trying to say?"

You just didn't hear it, idiot. 

"Hey! I'm not that unclear!" Tesla huffed.

"Anyways, you should tell her that Ein here was simply introducing you to the history of Northern Ireland, which she happens to be very familiar with... and showing you how the Celtic culture was gradually eroded by Anglo-Saxon culture." Einstein explained as she ignored anymore complaints from twintails in the back. "Hmm... I should've talked about differences between Scotland, Wales, and Ireland too..."

"Hah?! That's what it's about?" Tesla was obviously disappointed at the fact that nothing more was discussed. "So, when you said you went to Ireland before, this is it?"

"Yeah. During that time, plane tickets weren't easy to come by, so when we went to New York, we went by boat."

"By boat?" Welt was surprised.

"Yeah, it was my first trip from home, and I was quite happy with it. Although the time it took was very, very lengthy..."

"That must've been at least twenty years ago, was it not?" Tesla suddenly began reminiscing. 


"Tesla, it would be fine if you misremembered ten years as nine years, but... just think about it. Twenty years ago, how old even were you?"


3rd Person POV

"According to the schedule, we will rest here for a day today before we cross the Atlantic." A younger Planck directed her student as they stopped at their temporary destination. "It's a rare day that we get to be on land - is there anything you want to do?"

"Teacher, why are you acting like a child? In my opinion, compared to these time-wasting antics you keep on pulling, finding a nice and comfortable place to idly read books would be much better..." A young Einstein complained.

"Honestly, Miss Einstein... I don't know I should feel happy or distressed at this... no! You must come with me to go outside for a bit! Come on, let's go climb the city wall!"

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