Chapter Three; Parties and Prophecies Part One

Start from the beginning

"Oh shut up Melody. How did this become about me? And what are you even doing here? No place left to stay?"

"I told you. She found out. Hence why I'm here and not there."

"Mum know you're here?"

"Yes. Tried to welcome me with open arms last night. Only she stunk of booze and ending up stumbling over before she could even reach me. "

"It's always a fun time with that woman."

Justice had tried to ignore the fact that her mother had been drunk almost everyday within the last month.
She'd quickly learnt that there was nothing she could about it. Other than making sure she didn't pass out and choke on her own vomit, there was nothing she could do.
When she'd get home from college or work she'd quickly grab something to eat, if she hadn't eaten already and lock herself in her room. The only time she'd leave was when the noise downstairs had subsided and even then it was only to check if her mother was alive. Stephan had stopped staying over there at night so Justice had to be the one to tuck her in but he'd obviously stayed last night ...

She stayed catching up with melody for a little while - well, not really catching up. More like listening to the antics Melody had gotten up to while she was gone and chastising her for them. After that justice had threw on a sweater and a pair of jeans and attempted to scrape her thick hair into a bun on the top of her head. She threw on her beloved Docs and grabbed her bag before scrambling downstairs.
The last thing she wanted to do was bump into Stephan. Unfortunately she did.

As she stepped into the hallway, he stepped out of the downstairs bathroom wrapped in nothing but a towel.
He shut the door behind him and leaned up against the wall, blocking justice from leaving.

"You look nice today." He said with a smile.

"I'm late." She said in annoyance.

"I think the word you're looking for is thank you..."

"Why? I didn't ask you to compliment me. And I'm certainly not thankful for it."

Stephan boxed her into the wall within seconds. Thank god she'd positioned her school bag between them because the mere thought of his skin touching hers was enough to make her puke.

Stephan had both hands on the wall beside her head and was looking down on her with a look that made her stomach turn.

"You've got a smart mouth," He said quietly. "I wonder what else that mouth does ...."

Justice stood there silently, hoping the way her legs were shaking wasn't too obvious. Stephan raked over her body, devouring her with his eyes and she wanted nothing more than to knee him between his legs and run but it was like she was momentarily paralysed.

"If you touch me I'll scream." She whispered shakily.

She watched as he narrowed his eyes at her and prayed that he wouldn't test her. He was about to retaliate to her little threat when they heard 3 rapid taps on the door. Stephan's head snapped towards the door and using this as an opportunity, Justice pushed him in his chest and ran past him yanking the front door open.

She'd never been so happy to see Angel in her life.

"Hey," Angel saw the panic in her face and looked behind her at Stephan who was adjusting his towel.


"Let's just go." She said brushing past him. He watched her walk down the drive then looked back at Stephan who was watching him too.
The two males sized each other up for a few seconds before Angel kissed his teeth and ran after justice.
It didn't take him long to catch up to her, she hadn't gotten that far.

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