As Jungkook is about to speak, Taehyung interrupts, saying, "You've just proven you're a slut." Jungkook starts crying, and Taehyung adds, "Look at your clothes, for God's sake."

He grabs Jungkook's shoulders in anger and asks, "Did you ask anyone before wearing this shirt?"

As Jungkook is about to speak through tears, Taehyung warns, "Never touch my things again. Don't ever take my clothes without asking."

Taehyung says, "Don't touch me like that again. If you can't control yourself without sex, go to your friend Eunwoo. If you can't wait, the guard downstairs is an option too."

"In the empty room, there's a strange sound – it's the sound of a slap. Yes, Jungkook slapped Taehyung."

Jungkook has endured a lot throughout his life, even from his own biological parents, but he tolerated it all. However, today, the person he loved so much has been called a slut by him.

Having moved on from his past, Jungkook had considered Taehyung his entire life. But today, Taehyung said something that Jungkook may never forget, .

"How can you say that? You could have told me anything, but what you said today, I won't tolerate". Jungkook speaks a bit loudly.

Jungkook said 'that you were tired, so I was helping you. While I am here to assist, as your husband, you have no right to call me a slut or make comments about your character'.

That's when Jungkook says, "I won't touch your belongings from now on," and he takes off his shirt, placing it on the bed. With tears, he asks, "Hyung, why do you treat me like this? I love you."

Unable to say anything, Taehyung is left silent. Jungkook heads to the bathroom, tears streaming down his face.

Then he slaps himself hard and says, "How can you talk to Hyung like that?"He must have said that because he was exhausted", and now he cries even harder.

after his parents, today, it was his own husband who humiliated him the most

but the words from taehyung hurt him even more than what he experienced with his parents 

Then Jungkook looks at himself in the mirror and says, "My entire body is so messed up. How can anyone live with someone like me?"

jungkook. starts crying harder, felling intense humiliation, an odd sense of shame washing over him.

Jungkook puts on a loose t-shirt, notices a blade, lifts it, and makes a small cut on his hand. Blood starts to flow, and then he removes the t-shirt, putting on a full-sleeve one to hide the mark from anyone.

This is not new for Jungkook; he has hurt himself before from time to time.

He never showed it to anyone because he chose to keep it hidden.

I know Hyung's, your words don't mean anything," i know

He mutters to himself and then slaps himself again.

Feeling hurt and humiliated , Jungkook quietly goes to his bed taehyung was nowhere in sight so he goes in guest room and finds his husband peacefully sleeping as he closed the door and sleeps after crying a lot without making any noise.

"But he doesn't know, Taehyung is not sleeping, he's crying. He himself is hurt by what he said to Jungkook."

"How should he tell Jungkook? That he didn't mean to say what he said."

"Taehyung is regretting it, and he knows from starting that Jungkook loves him . He also knows that Jennie is not coming back, and Taehyung has no right to ruin Jungkook's life. Moreover, using his body in London is also unacceptable."

Taehyung decides to spend his entire life with Jungkook, ensuring not to hurt him anymore. From now on, he also takes full responsibility for their relationship.

He will stop wishing for Jennie to come back into his life and will also take full responsibility for Jungkook's well-being.

He wants Jungkook to realize that their relationship cannot work, and he wishes for Jungkook to initiate a divorce. However, he is committed not to cause any further harm to Jungkook.

He will do everything for Jungkook but won't be able to love him due to fear. He doesn't want anyone to break his heart again.

But he doesn't realize that he, too, will end up breaking Jungkook's heart.

In that case, he stands up and calls his lawyer.

"Hello, sir "laywer said while yawning

Something urgent has come up. Tomorrow, I'll send you a location; please come. I have some work. I apologize for bothering you this late." He then hangs up the call.


Jungkook wakes up with a slight headache from crying, goes to take a shower Then he applies water to the cuts, experiencing a bit of pain., and contemplates calling Hobi hyung to ask him to pick him up.

At that moment, he thinks to himself, "Jungkook, you are born to become a burden on people."

Then, after taking a bath, Jungkook enters the room where Taehyung is sitting on the bed. Just as Jungkook is about to say something, Taehyung stands up and apologizes, "Jungkook, I'm sorry. I said too much yesterday. I didn't mean to say those words."

"I was stressed about work yesterday, but still, I'm sorry. It was my mistake." Hearing this, all of Jungkook's anger dissipates. His heart melts like ice

Then Taehyung hugs Jungkook and says, "From today onwards, I won't ever hurt you again, not in any way."

Jungkook starts crying and hugs back tightly, saying, "I shouldn't have wanted to hurt you either, I'm sorry." Taehyung wipes away Jungkook's tears with his hands and smiles.

And he says, "It's okay, Jungkook. You did the right thing"Looking at you, one wouldn't think you could slap so hard.

So, Jungkook gives a bunny smile.

Then Taehyung softly says, "Let's go for breakfast," and Jungkook nods. As they walk downstairs, Jungkook thinks, "Hyung, I've fallen even more in love with you today."


I've republished because there were some mistakes so here you go with another chapter

My exams are coming so don't expect much updates I'm sorry

Thank for reading 😁 give me your feedback

Bye tulips 🫂

Love yourself 💜

I CAN'T BEG YOU TO LOVE ME🥀   TAEKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now