Chapter 17

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Ninth Day of the Seventh Month in the 114th Year Renę

Chiyou patted her bedsheets, folded them and slowly made her way to the servants' dining hall. Her Mistress now had a whole bunch of maids waiting on her, reducing her workload. This morning, she was free to do as she pleased before accompanying her mistress to a baby shower.

Smiling at the few other maids she had come to know, she picked up her breakfast and joined Polin to eat her meal. Oat porridge with a meat and vegetable stew. Quite a filling meal. Between making small talk and listening in on gossip to tell her Mistress, breakfast was over and as the other maids went about their business, Chiyou was left by herself.

Walking along the sandy path barely touched by the rising sun, Chiyou thought back on her life. The earliest memory she had was being sold to the brothel, and an older woman giving her a pitying smile before giving her a meal. Something the then starving Chiyou had scarfed down with little delay. As a child, she would sometimes run errands for the other women, visiting the medicine store or the sweetshop. After coming of age however, she had been confined to the red, overly perfumed building she hated. The most she had been allowed to do was look out the balcony. Her whole life spent in the measly few square metres that was the red light district.

She would have never imagined that she would travel across half the country, much less live in a completely different place. It gave Chiyou much pleasure to look at the differences. The weather and vegetation was starkly different. The grass was shorter and the flowers more wild. The food was different too; it had taken Chiyou and Cailin a while to get used to all the spices they used in their cooking. The people were different too, Chiyou had noticed that they spoke with a different accent, and sometimes had different lifestyles than those in the capital. Though to be fair, Chiyou didn't know that many servants from the capital.

Sighing, Chiyou decided to visit the garden again. Perhaps she could hear the morning birds sing their sweet tunes.

As she walked around admiring a couple of birds making their nest, Chiyou breathed in the fresh morning air. Seeing another pair of birds on the other side, she moved closer to try to get a better look. Out of the corner of her eye however, she saw something move. Instinctively looking at it, her eyes meet two small beady eyes of a mouse.

"MOUSE! AAAH!" Chiyou screamed, almost leaping into the air.

"I'm here!" Out of nowhere, a man dressed as a guard appeared behind her. Not expecting this, Chiyou screamed again.

"Don't worry! I'm here to help!" The man reassured her. Calming down, Chiyou observed him. He was young-ish, not more than thirty, with a sprinkling of hair where his beard should have been. His clothes were worn, not the fresh uniform she saw the guards out on every morning. Speaking of which, why was he here alone? How could he have arrived so quickly?

Looking at him suspiciously, Chiyou asked, "Did you follow me?"

The man looked flabbergasted, but sheepishly answered, "Uh- you, I saw a beautiful woman walking and thought you shouldn't go alone- so uh I did... follow you."

"You pervert!"

"No! Please! I'm not! I had no bad intentions, I swear to god!" Turning around, Chiyou ran back to her room. Bad men seldom admitted their bad intentions after all.

Behind her, the man regretted not getting her name.


First Day of the Seventh Month in the 114th Year Renę

Dear Yieun,

My dear friend, or should I say my new sister-in-law? How are you doing? Are you settling in well over there? I have heard that the weather is much colder, so make sure to keep yourself warm. Do not keep your complaints to yourself.

It has been just three months since you left, but so many things have happened. Leri has left the capital with her husband, they are headed south for his new position as the Mayor in some city over there. Porel is pregnant, and is suffering terribly. Thankfully her mother-in-law is taking care of her, but she still isn't in good enough health to be writing letters, but write to her nonetheless, she would hate to be left out. Being the Crown Princess has been taxing, so much more than being a princess; I envy you a little now. Things are slowly starting to settle down since the disposition, and the Empress is bugging me for a child yet again. As if I am not just as desperate. But enough about this. We thought we would stay in each others' company forever, but life seems to be taking us further apart. Please do not stop writing to me, it gives me great happiness to receive news from you and I hope you feel the same after opening this letter.

Your brother moved out from your home, there was quite a big uproar over it, but I suppose you are not too surprised? The harvest season is quickly approaching, and many preparations are to be made. I may not be able to write to you for a while, but keep this tired friend updated. Alright? That reminds me, I heard that Zhenting, Minister of War's daughter is there too. Have you met her? She should be around the same age, perhaps the two of you could find company amongst the middle aged women.

I keep hearing news of your husband being called back to the capital, and I can't help but hope it is true. No, I should not make you more nervous, I will not say more. Just that you remain happy and healthy.

Your Loving Friend,


Princess Nureaz looked over her letter, double checking that the dark circles under her eyes had not translated into spelling errors. Once she was satisfied, she began to put it into an envelope, but it was snatched out of her hands. Turning back, she was horrified to see her husband.

"It's alright if I see this right?" Ryuwen gave a smile that chilled Reni to her core. Without waiting for an answer, his eyes swept over the contents.

Slap! Reni's cheeks stung. "You bitch. Were you going to be a spy for my brother?"

"No, I just... I - my friend-" Reni's mind scrambled to say something.

"Bring the abortion medicine." Ryuwen instructed the eunuch waiting outside. "Let's get rid of that bastard's child."

"No! Please! This is the fifth one! Please!" Reni grabbed his legs, begging.

"And you never learn."

"Please, I won't write letters, I promise. Please! Give me another chance!"

"Should I?" Ryuwen played with the letter in his hands. "But why would you stop writing letters?"

Reni paused, her mind racing to understand what he was trying to get at. "I-I'll write misleading letters!"

"Good girl. I'll let you go this time."


Dear Yieun,

My dear friend, or should I say my new sister-in-law? How are you doing? Are you settling in well over there? I have heard that the weather is much colder, so make sure to keep yourself warm. Do not keep your complaints to yourself.

It has been just three months since you left, but so many things have happened. Leri has left the capital with her husband, they are headed south for his new position as the Mayor in some city over there. Porel is pregnant, and is suffering terribly. Thankfully her mother-in-law is taking care of her, but she still isn't in good enough health to be writing letters, so do not write to her. We thought we would stay in each others' company forever, but life seems to be taking us further apart. You and Leri have left, who knows when you will be back?

The harvest season is quickly approaching, and many preparations are to be made. I may not be able to write to you for a while. I just hope that you remain happy and healthy.

Your Loving Friend,


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