Chapter 9: Part One

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Twenty Eighth Day of the Sixth Month in the 114th Year Renę

Today was Yieun's wedding day. She had been resting in the mansion for a few days, while her betrothed had only come back two days ago. Because of wedding restrictions, she had yet to meet him. More than that, she was nervous about what would happen after. They had already disregarded most of the marriage etiquette, proceeding right to the ceremony. Even if the ceremony was grand, her status would fall if her husband wasn't happy with her. She had no honour, no money and no way of getting those things without him.

Shaking her head, she focused on the preparations. Matron Mier and another old woman were meticulously readying her, from adorning her in lingerie beneath the ceremonial robes to arranging the pure gold hairpins. As promised, the jeweller had brought the highest quality of rubies, blood red in colour, to match Yieun's clothes on the wedding day. Shortly after noon, Yieun was ready to receive blessings. She sat on a chair, a translucent red veil distorting her view while older married women came to give her their blessings.

Yieun's thoughts drifted as the noblewomen came to shower her with auspicious words. While she couldn't see them, she was once again pleasantly surprised at the intensity of joy in their voices. Were they always this friendly? Was this because they thought she would have a good relationship with the Prince? Or were they going to use her to manipulate the Prince, like what the Empress wanted her to do?

Soon, the sun rested on the horizon and it was time for the wedding. In the west, the sun set earlier than in the capital, as Yieun had come to realise. Holding Matron Mier's hand, Yieun waddled in her heavy outfit.


Lanterns lit up the garden and wedding stage while important people in the state of Xhirnez waited anxiously to see their Prince get married. Yieun was led down the red carpet by Matron Mier to the stage where Naevren stood. She could feel the eyes of the crowd on her as nervousness settled in the pit of her empty stomach. She squeezed Matron Mier's hand harder.

Before she knew it, she was standing in front of her soon to be husband. Naevren couldn't make out Yieun's features through the veil, but she could. He was much taller than her, and lean. His face was not that different from usual noblemen, almond shaped eyes, a sharp nose and eyebrows. The only thing obviously different were his eyes, which were the lightest shade of brown Yieun had ever seen. He was quite good looking. She wondered why she had expected him to be built like a barbaric warrior, with a big bushy beard and hulking figure. The rumours had gotten to her more than she thought.

The ceremony proceeded smoothly. They bowed three times and then had their ribbons tied together, symbolising their union for life. Now, Yieun would wait in the bridal chambers while Naevren would attend the banquet and then head to the bridal chambers to have their first night. 

Author's note: sorry its shorter than usual , i caught a cold but still wanted to update something 

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