Chapter 13.5

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Fourth Day of the Seventh Month in the 114th Year Renę

The citizens residing in the capital awoke before dawn, firing the sluggish engine to life. Eateries, shops, homes and government buildings lightly illuminated by lamps shining against the dark sky like fireflies. A languid shuffle morphed into a cacophony of bustling activity, a roaring pitter-patter that crescendoed as the sky turned gold. Inside the palace, the congregation of the most important people waited, impatiently, for the Emperor. The sun continued to rise, until it broke through the windows to shine on the empty golden throne.

From the entrance, a young eunuch shuffled in. "Morning court will not be held today."

Eyes glanced at each other, emotions concealed deep within. Quickly, the hall emptied out as the ministers went to work in their different departments.


A young man, dressed in black and gold stood outside the Empress' Palace. With a curled dragon embroidered on his clothes, the maids parted like fishes when approached by a shark. Briskly walking to the door, he raised his knuckles for a single, deliberate knock before opening the door and striding into the hall where his adoptive mother awaited.

Seeing her perched high and mighty on her seat at the front of the hall, flanked by her trusted servants, the Crown Prince steadily walked over and greeted her.

"Sit," the Empress commanded. Ryuwen's lips flattened. He wasn't looking for permission. "Did you want to discuss something?"

"You must have heard about Father missing court today?" His eyes cooly surveyed her. "Mother?"

"So?" The Empress was disinterested.

"He will be dead in a few months," Ryuwen picked up his tea cup, turning it between his fingertips as his eyes were reflected in the rippling liquid. "Lifen should be married off soon."

The Empress' expression darkened. "No."

"Why not?" Ryuwen put down his cup. "You cannot keep using her age as an excuse, she is already fourteen."

"If you cannot become Emperor without using a little girl, then you don't deserve the throne."

A teacup flew across the room, the thin porcelain shattering into thousands of tiny pieces. A moment of silence later, the servants lept into action.

"Your Highness! You cannot make a fuss like this in Her Majesty's quarters. Please leave."


Seething, the Crown Prince stomped back to his palace. He was too close to his goal to let that old hag ruin it all. The old man would have likely succumbed to the drug in a few months, but he had to push it back because of the northern conflicts, lest one of his uncles or brothers take the opportunity when the army is away to overthrow him. Now even the Empress was getting in his way. Maybe he should let her follow her husband, together in death?

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i fell sick this week, so less updates :(

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