Chapter 5

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Twenty-Eighth Day of the Fourth Month in the 114th Year Renę

Most preparations for Yieun's departure had been finished, including packing her belongings into a singular trunk, her stepmother picking out an additional five trunks of dowry, getting groomed and saying goodbye to all her friends. Well, maybe that would be done today, since they were coming to visit. Yieun sat by the window, a soft breeze swaying her hair just enough to tickle her cheeks. The heat from the ceramic cup of tea warmed her numb, cold fingertips. Chiyou sat on a stool in a corner, watching Cailin frantically walk up and down the room, counting and recounting whether everything was done. Occasionally, she would look out of the window to see if the guests were here.

"Miss, they're here!" Jumping up, Cailin set water to boil for the tea, then headed to open up the doors.

"Hey..." Yieun stood up to greet the four young women, gesturing to the table set up with snacks. The four women were very different from one another. One was dressed in exquisite fabrics and jewels to hide the weariness on her face, one was dressed in simple clothes with a twinkle in her eyes, another was covered from head to toe, moving hesitantly while the last one had a placid smile on her face. The four each took a seat at the table. Yieun took the teapot from Cailin before joining them.

"We haven't seen you in so long." Young duchess Reywi sighed.

"How's things been? How's the preparation going?" Princess Nureaz asked, her makeup not masking the dark circles under her eyes.

"It's almost done, I'll be leaving in less than a week." She gave a sad smile. "I will miss all of you."

"But you will be married." Scholar Loun's wife, Madam Loun giggled. "Even if he's an average husband, he'll be better than staying here." Her face quickly morphed into a scowl, before turning back to normal.

"Don't worry about the rumours, they tend to become worse after travelling for so long." Young duchess Reywi patted Yieun's hand.

"On that note, we should give you our gifts." Lady Leri smiled, anticipation glittering in her eyes. "We each got you one thing."

"Alright, I'll start." Madam Loun beckoned her servant closer, who presented a small mahogany box. Opening it, she showed the other young women a lot of small vials. "Most of the useful drugs are here. Aphrodisiac, birth control, miscarriage inducing, vomit inducing, sleep inducing... everything short of poison basically."

"Jisher, what kind of criminal do you take Yieun to be?" Lady Leri was horrified.

"No, it's good to be pragmatic. But you should consider which ones you want to take. Here, these should be enough banknotes that you can escape anytime you want to." Princess Nureaz said, handing over a palm sized envelope.

"Alright, me next. I managed to get hold of a part of the report the Empress got on him." Lady Leri whispered, giving Yieun a much larger and thicker envelope.

"Wow... I don't think mine can top that, but remember that hairpin and those decorative crystal birds you liked the last time we went shopping? Here," Madam Loun's servant presented a box. "I got those. Remember to not be too harsh on yourself and enjoy pretty things, okay?"

Tears were flowing down Yieun's slightly hollowed cheeks. "How'd I manage to get such great friends?" She sniffled, but soon burst into tears. "Waa..."

Soon, all of them were shedding some tears, hugging each other.


Under the candlelight, Yieun inspected the report. He didn't have any concubines but sometimes visited the whorehouse... He spent most of his time at the border, seldom returning to the capital of the state, which was mismanaged by the existing governor.... The management of the estate was left to his old eunuch.... He didn't drink excessively or smoke Ottawed... There were several pages documenting his days in the capital, none of which helped illustrate him to Yieun.

She could tell that there were missing pieces of the report, and most of it was probably political in nature, something she shouldn't be allowed to look at.

Burning the papers, she wondered how she could hide the drugs so that they wouldn't be found...


Finally, the sun shone on the dreaded day. Yieun was leaving. The palace had sent two maids and an old matron early in the morning to accompany her, or rather, keep her firmly in her family's grip.

The five servants were congregating in their master's room, each with a different expression. Cailin and Chiyou studied their master while the others held their heads level, with the matron even daring to keep her neck straight. After all, why did she, a dignified matron of the palace, have to follow a no-name bride of a forgotten prince out to the forsaken borders?

"This matron greets the Lady. Her Majesty the Empress has sent me to teach you palace etiquette and guide you in your marriage." Matron Cysta bowed with the maids following along.

"Then I will be in your care. For now, we should get going." Saying this Yieun got up and walked out, to enter the waiting carriages, her entourage following quick on her heels.

The sun had just left its blanket, its light rays softly illuminating three carriages and four guardsmen on horses. One carriage contained their luggage while the other two were personnel carriages, capable of carrying four people each. Two imperial guardsmen flanked the sides.

"My Lady, why don't I ride with you while the maids take the other carriage?"

Yieun grimaced inside, but turned to Matron Cysta with a smile, "I know you are worried about me, but I would feel comfortable staying with the maids that have been serving me. How about you join us?"

Matron Cysta forced a smile, "Thank you my Lady, but that might be a little crowded. I will go on the other carriage."

Quickly settled in, they set off on their two month journey to the western border.

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