Chapter 22

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Xayah's POV

As soon as they leave I shut the door and lean against it and with that, I let out the breath I was holding. I can't believe this is happening, not to mention that werewolves exist!

"What's going on? Are they gone?",  Nila asked 

I give her a nod of yes and sit down on the couch to contemplate our situation. This cannot be happening and they are supposed to come here tomorrow. How are we supposed to cope with this and what is so important here that they need?

"Xaaayyaaahh~", I hear Nila call my name


"So what the hell happened while you were out on the porch you seem out of it" " she notices while sitting down next to me.

" were right they are wolves? I'm not sure but they are coming back tomorrow to discuss the situation", I retort.

"Wait wait I was right?! Wait THEY'RE ACTUAL WEREWOLVES!!"

"Yes and could you tone it down a bit", I shake my head while slightly smiling at her with her normal loud antics.

"This is cool but also-"

"Really bad", I finish

"No shit we found out their big secret and obviously no one knows about their existence except us! What if they try to "get rid of us?!", She states while panicking.

"I know w-", she interrupts me again and freaks out more

"Xayah! you invited them back tomorrow to OUR house!", She says while shaking me 

"I know! But! I have a feeling that this might end on a different note than usual something tells me they're not the bad guys otherwise we would've been their lunch earlier", I say while trying to calm her down.

Nila sighs then relaxes her grip on my shoulders and slightly smiles "Maybe you're right your intuitions usually are". 

"Good I'm going to head upstairs and take a bath", I state then head to the stairs while leaving Nila and her television to herself.

*15 minutes later~*

I finally get to relax and actually think about my day and it's been a wild one. I head to the bathroom, \stop the water tap, strip fully, and step into the tub. The warmth of the water mixed with the scent of roses kisses my mocha skin and I can feel at peace. As soon as I'm relaxed fully I close my eyes and take relaxing breaths to enjoy the moment. I think about how much I've lost but see how much I've gained from losing my parents to owning my own home. I look outside near the window and look at the moon with its blue fluorescent glow then a pair of eyes come to my mind.

I never cared or thought too hard about it but his eyes are so blue, but not like any blue I have seen. Usually, blue eyes are compared to the ocean but his dark and intimidating stare could be compared to the dark midnight blue sky. I wonder whose eyes he inherited? Jeez! this is creepy here I am dreaming about some stranger's eyes. 




*Knock Knock*

"Xayah you almost done I would like to shower as well or....some shower goblin got you"

I chuckle "I'm finishing up give me five minutes!"

"Okay!", I get out of the tub, wrap myself in a robe then walk out of the bathroom 

"Finally! I thought you drowned", Nila announces and I giggle and head towards my room. I gran my moisturizer that smells like roses and coconut and slip on panties and an oversized shirt then knock out. 

Our Human MatesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon