Chapter 33

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*Hi guys I am finally on summer vacation and finished my finals! So expect Weekly updates since I have some free time. I also have been neglecting this story a lot since I am working on ideas for the new story I am doing* Soooo enjoy!! :)*

Nila's POV (Slightly explicit)

Well, I wasn't expecting this situation. At the moment, I'm being crushed by this 200lb man in my OWN bed! I turn around to face Cody in my bed and he's knocked out. Not shocking since he ran over here immediately to get me which was sweet. I roll my eyes and try to scoot away, which I soon learn to regret cause this man pulls me closer in a tighter grip. I begin to get exhausted and relax in his arms. Now that I am relaxing I realize how nice it is.

Xayah's right my mood changes fast. "Cody...", I tap his chest and hear a small grunt from him sleeping. "Cody...", I tap him again, and nothing. I finally looked up at him and may I say I had forgotten how hot he was! I was feeling devious so I poked his face and giggled, then I poked his chest. Him swatting his hand was hilarious. "Hmmm", I noticed the details of his tattoos and began to trace his chest. It was so firm yet soft? On his chest was a crescent mood on his right peck, that connected to swirls and patterns down his right arm. "Wow", I whispered.

"You like what you see baby?", I turn my head upwards and see Cody smiling down at me. Lord knows if I could turn red I would. " You know if you wanted to touch me...", in one swift motion he flips on top and grabs my hips. "You can just ask", I see him smirk and I know for sure I'm definitely turning slightly red.

"I-I-I ummm I was j-just tracing your tattoos!", I heard him chuckle, it sounded so cute.

"Sure sure baby you were "tracing my tattoos"", I slightly glare at him and he's still laughing at me. "This is one of my favorite positions"

"Wha-what?", I look at him like he's crazy.

He bucks his hips up and it makes me jump. "Ya know you being on top, I love the thought of seeing all of you in front of me", He bites his lip, and I'm just looking at him speechless full of embarrassment.

"I-I don't know about that...I know..."

"No I don't know", he smiles at me mischievously.

"You know...did THAT!", I throw my hands in the air in embarrassment.

Cody continues to chuckle while I'm just sitting on top of him awkwardly then he stops and looks at me seriously. "Why are you looking at m-ahhhh!", He then flips us over, and now he's on top. He kisses my cheek gently and looks at me. This is a bit awkward cause his you know what is poking me and it's ALL.

"You're so cute I could ravish you", I hear him growl and his hands slide down to my hips. They're so warm and gentle, yet so rough. I I bring my face to Cody's...immediately he crashes his lips onto mine and I am ecstatic. His lips were so soft and I could feel his hunger for me getting deeper and deeper. "C-cody", He broke the kiss and looked at me and his left eye was a different color. I bet it's Axel. I hadn't noticed I was biting my lip till Cody/Axel placed their thumb over it. I felt Cody pull me closer which almost caused me to release a moan.

"Fuck I wanna thrust into you so badly", I blush instantly, but his warm thumb is still running over my lip, so I do the unthinkable...I lick the tip of his thumb then bite my lip while looking directly at him. "Oh! you don't want to that baby", He grabs my hands and places them above my head.

"Try me", I smile and his eyes go dark.

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