Chapter 16

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"Look, here comes the obligatory tit shot." The crowd of teenage boys scooted closer to the edge of their seats. They anticipated for the scene since the movie started. Drool seeping down some of the drunken boy's mouths.

Randy not being one of those drooling boys came as a surprise. Though, a part of her expected him not to. Every detail of the movie had been engraved in their mind given the many times they've seen it. Yet it never seized to make her question how they were related every time she saw how he acts with nudity scenes.

"Classy, Randy. Real classy." She eyed her brother.

The phone rang. Just in time to cut off the younger Meeks from making any other remark towards her brother. The boys ignored it being hypnotized to the screen. The phone rang again. Minnie heavily sighed as she set her beer down. She pulled her shirt, which technically was Stu's, and answered the phone.

"Hello?" The girl answered.

Her bored expression morphed to one of shock. She'd just been informed of her principal's death. It was said that he was gutted and hanged. She guess Stu was the one behind the killing for this one. Billy was still with Sidney upstairs. Only question is why kill Principle Himbry. The girl set down the phone and whirled around to the crowd of teen boys.

"Guy, Principal Himbry was found dead."

The room went still. The quietness did not last long. The remaining group of boys hastily jumped up from their seats and left the Macher's residence to witness the sight. Minnie was baffled. Watching a fight that got messy was one thing, watching a principle hanging and gutted was another thing. She blamed it on the alcohol and the irritation the man brought to everyone. Even then, why would someone want to see a murder?

A bit hypocritical, yes. It was. Though, Minnie knew she isn't exactly all there regarding her mental statue. Those hormonal teens that'd been intoxicated by alcohol was a different story. They do not seek this thirst for the uncanny.

Randy kept his place on the couch looking at his friends in confusion. His gaze went to his sister who shrugged.

The geeky girl took a seat, sprawling across the couch as her brother picked his feet up and placed them on the coffee table knocking over some empty beer bottles.

"We were just getting to the good part." He muttered, getting himself more comfortable.

Minnie's eyes lingered on her brother. The night was about to go from bad to worse. The plan of the pair of Ghostface was setting up nicely. The distant sounds of banging sounded from upstairs. At first, Minnie felt a pang of jealousy thinking it's Billy fulfilling Sidney to be the 'final girl'. Stu had reassured her previously from entering the party he would never commit such act. She trusted Stu. She trusted Billy. So she sat back and pretended to hear nothing as she immersed herself into the movie.


The twins remained in the couch. Both watching the TV immensely.

   "No. Jamie, look behind you! Behind you!" The older Meeks slurred his words. He sprawled out on the couch, hugging a pillow, slowly coming to sit on the edge speaking to the actress in the movie.

Minnie lazily brought her beer to her lips taking a small swig. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure. That same excitement she felt when the whole Ghostface appearances began. She turned to see the masked killer stnading behind Randy. A sinister sight to see. Though, Minnie laid back in the sofa.

Ghostface titled his head, gave her a small finger wave, and left.

"Hey, Randy."

Randy hummed not taking his eyes off the screen. Minnie spoke his name once more kicking his shin. The boy groaned as he clutched his leg, turning to his sister with a nasty glare. He never dealt well with alcohol.

   "You should head home. We don't want you passing out in Stu's place again."

   "I'm fine."

   "Randy..." Minnie planned to lie. It's the easiest way to deal with Randy when drunk. He won't know she lied in the first place. He would be too busy with keeping himself conscious. "Didn't you promise Martha you would go trick or treating with her?"

   "Oh, Martha." He groaned, covering his face with a hand. He nodded as he stood, wobbling in place for a bit.

The twins said their goodbyes as Randy exited through one of the back doors. Minnie felt the tension leave her body.

The only other person she had to worry about was Sidney. She trusted Stu and Billy took care of Dewey and Gale by now. She just had to find a way to convince them to not kill Sidney. She was in for a long night.

Minnie rested back on the sofa. Her eyes closed with her hand dangling over the edge. Her beer loosely being held by her fingers. She wondered if she stayed in that position she would be preserved unconscious and be left out of this...

Moments later, her peace was cut short. Her eyes shot open at the sound of heavy steps and breathing. The only reason she was alert at the sound was because she recognized those footsteps. She'd listened to them for her whole life.

Those footsteps, however, seemed to have ventured back outside. Minnie stood from the sofa and rushed to the nearest door that led to the backyard.

She swiftly followed the heavy breathing and occasionally panicked grunts. All from Randy, Minnie was sure of it. She knew her brother enough and scared him enough times to know.

The quicker she went, the quicker she reached one of the first kills of the night. Minnie's quick steps came to a stop. In front of her was the bloody image of Tatum Riley. Her body limp as it hanged from the small opening in the garage door.

The girl didn't really feel anything. She did see the blonde as a close friend but much like Casey she didn't grief her death, as a matter of fact, she was criticizing why would she try to escape from the doggy door of all things.

She gave props to Ghostface for this creative kill.

Minnie didn't stay much longer. She ran back to the front of the house and picked up her speed. Just barely she managed to make out three figures.

Minnie has, for a lack of better words, fantasizes that are alarming. Being at the end of a gun was not one of them... at least not by one of the people she's trying to save this night.

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