Chapter 6

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   "Doors locks, don't open them for anyone, don't answer the phones, and if—" The older twin, Randy Meeks, advised moving around the room gathering his things before leaving. Minnie followed close behind with her hands in her pockets resisting the urge to roll her eyes.

Annoyance was normal between siblings, but having a twin that treats you like you're at least five years younger, is beyond annoying. Minnie believes one of these days she'll be left with a permanent scowl because of him.

   "Randy, I'm seventeen not seven."

Randy sharply turned causing his twin to abruptly stop. He tapped her forehead with his car keys. "It's not my fault you don't act like it."

   "Says the one with a Chucky doll in his bedroom."

   "It's a collectors item, dipshit."

   "What's the worst that can happen?" Minnie shrugged. "I've survived this killer once, I'm sure—"

   "You dumbass! Don't you know never to say you can survive again. 'Cause chances are you don't." Randy reminded. He turned back around gathering the last item. Minnie huffed bringing her hand up in a choking motion. She swiftly placed them back into her pockets as Randy whirled back around to her. "Shut your mouth, have the phone on you for emergencies, and be safe."

Minnie nodded understanding this was all in his protective nature. "Sorry... you be safe too."

   "Yeah, yeah. I know more than you."

   "The only reason you would survive this is because you're a virgin." Minnie smirked, leaning against the doorframe watching her brother walk down the steps.

   "Shut up."

Minnie gave a final wave to her brother receiving a middle finger back. She laughed closing the door as he finally drove off to work. Because of his record, and having been fired and rehired, he now works the night shifts too. Luckily for the store, Randy loves movies so much he'll actually work the night shifts. Minnie was the one to bring this detail up resulting in the store rehiring her brother in the first place.

Family dynamics were weird like that. At times she wished to kill randy while other times she would kill for him. The same would go for her sister, that happened to be at a school event that night. She adored her sister and the innocence she had unlike them.

Her parents are a different story. They are always away at work having Randy and Minnie act more like parents to the youngest than them. Which is how Minnie ended being home alone that night. Everyone was somewhere else while she stayed home. In a way she felt this was better. Given her injuries and all.

Speaking of her injuries, that was the first thing she took care of. Having gone into her room, placing a good horror movie to distract herself, she replaced her old for new bandages. It was a hassle with no assistance but she managed.

"Oh, don't— don't do that." Minnie commented, giving the bandage for her ankle a final wrap. The character on screen had done another typically stupid mistake ending in her death. Minnie stared at the TV for a while trying to hear the added sound in the background. She's seen the movie about a million times and never heard it before. Concentrating on it, it resembled... breathing?

She slightly leaned, still on the bed, to the TV, guessing the humming was from its years of being used.

As the credits roll, she took this chance to move. Her injured foot hit the floor carefully, testing for pain. When she didn't feel any extreme pain she got off to do one of the most tedious parts of her recovery, changing her bandages for her shoulder. It wasn't so bad more of Minnie having a low pain tolerance when it comes to cuts. The feeling of the alcohol mixing with her sensitive skin, and the cotton of the bandage was enough to have her tearing up.

Psycho Killer || Scream (1996)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon