Chapter 13

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Minnie kept still on the floor. Facing back at her was one of her closest friends, the same person she accused of at first, Stuart Macher.

   "Hi, princess."

Minnie was speechless. Not out of fear, but fascination... and a bit of anger. She was purely amazed at how Stu was able to pull all this off. But pissed to have been put through this. Not to mention, they had threatened Randy.

He had her full trust. She confided in him only for him to be the sick fuck she dreamed about. Fear and betrayal should've been what crossed over her but it didn't. Rather admiration did. As much as she didn't want to admit it... she admire the act.

   "What a fucking plot twist!" She exclaimed having sat on the floor. Her hand shot to her head trying to wrap everything that happened within that hour.

Footsteps made it up to the stairs and stood outside her door. Stu sighed getting up from the floor holding out a hand to the girl. She took it absentmindedly.

"Stu, you fuckrag. You messed up the plan." Billy smacked Stu on the shoulder.

"She hit me in the balls and unmasked me." Stu whined still holding onto Minnie's hand.

Minnie glanced between the pair coming to a conclusion on the whole thing.

"Wait, what? You knew—" Minnie's eyes widened once more in surprise.

"Angel-face, we work together." Billy smirked pushing back the girl's baby hairs from her face. "We're Ghostface."

"And the plot fucking thickens. Ho-ly shit!"

Stu narrows his eyes looking down at the girl. "You aren't afraid of us?"

It was clear she wouldn't but Stu... well, he couldn't help but feel the girl would go back on her word. That was something the boy feared. To have lost Minnie to fear. Turns out Stu had nothing to worry about.

"Afraid?! No. I'm fucking pissed and... well... impressed I guess." Minnie flickering between the revealed killers. "I'm just... what the fuck? Honestly, this is so... just... what?"

Minnie's crazed eyes filled with spark staring at the two killers. It all made sense now. The timeframe of the kills and their odd behavior. Her mystery had been solve and she never felt better. More so that the killer— that'd she grown a liking too, were her friends/crushes.

"Two killers is so clever. I gotta admit that. Never been done before."

Minnie received soft gazes from both boys finding her reaction absolutely adorable. They wanted their reveal to be special. Having heard her speaking with their alter identity they knew how obsessed she'd gotten with the one responsable of the kills. Stu and Billy wanted to give the girl the satisfaction to solving her mystery but things did not go according to plan. Seeing her reaction made it up. Billy almost forget to be upset at Stu. Almost.

"You okay, princess?" Stu showed his concern as things settled.

   "Yeah, totally." Minnie honestly confessed. "I've always had my suspicions and turns out I was right. Just gonna need a pretty damn big apology from you two."

   "For what? You enjoyed this little hunt." Stu pointed out.

   "Well, let's see... one of you cut me, sprained my ankle, took photos of me, and let's not forget you threatened Randy."

   "We're sorry about that, alright? And we didn't mean those things about Randy."

It wasn't hard to apologize to the girl. They would gladly get on their knees if it meant to be forgive. But something thay caught their attention was she knew it was then or suspected it was them. They were well aware of her overactive mind but they believed to have been cautious with their other identity.

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