Chapter 4

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It was the middle of the day already. Minnie sat with her friends outside talking amongst themselves during their lunchtime. The blonde told her friends about the interrogation as she was one of the first one out of their group, then followed by Sidney and so on. Each having similar yet different set of questions.

The twins sat on the end letting the couples sit together. It was torturous to see their fiends in loving relationships while they dealt being the fifth wheels of the group. It was mostly envy. Envy to have someone. Envy of the couples for being with their crushes. There was nothing they can do about it but pretended to be fine with it.

"What kind of questions did they ask you guys?" Tatum sat on her boyfriend's lap glancing at her friends.

"They asked if I knew Casey."

"Stuff 'bout Casey." Minnie shrugged solely focusing on the green grape in her hand.

Randy had handed her a handful which she stared in disgust. While they were twins and have once lived in the same womb, something about his dirty hands touching her food disgusted her. She didn't mean dirty as in 'oh he's a boy, ew, gross.' No, she was talking about the fact, the hand he handed her the grapes with, was the same one he used to lean against the concrete fountain. And who knows how many kids had sat or done worse there.

"They asked me that, too."

"Hey, did they ask you if you like to hunt?" The boy in a beige long-sleeve shirt asked. Stu Macher, Tatum Riley's boyfriend and close friend of Minnie Meeks, making a trio between him, Billy, and her.

   "Yeah, they did." Billy replied not bothering to sitting up. Minnie wished she had the courage to let her back touch the fountain's edge.

Tatum glanced between the boys. "Huh? Why would they ask you if you like to hunt?"

"'Cause their bodies were gutted." The twins answered simultaneously that often freaked out their friends.

"Thank you, Wonder twins."

   "They didn't asked me if I like to hunt?" Tatum pointed out.

Minnie glanced at the blonde then back to the ground. She and the cops knew it was no girl and it would be a waste to accuse one as the killer. Besides, it was real rare to find a girl that could stomach the sight of a gutted body. No one in Woodsboro screamed killer. Other than the selected few 'weirdos,' but even then, no one was insane enough to commit a murder. At least that's what Minnie Meeks thought.

   "'Cause there's no way a girl could've killed 'em." Stu stated in a matter of fact tone to his girlfriend.

   "That is so sexist. The killer could easily be female. Basic instinct." The blonde retorted, earning a hum from Minnie. While she did agree, a girl didn't do this kill. Though, it doesn't rule out that there aren't psychotic female killers. You can never ever trust anyone when a killer is on the loose. Especially if everyone believes you are the last person to commit something. But this was not the case.

Minnie scooted to the edge, resting her elbows to her knees, propping herself up to see the pair.

   "That was an ice pick. Not exactly the same thing." Randy commented. He leaned his arm against Minnie's back causing a groan to escape from the unexpected weight.

   "Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out." Stu reminded. "And the fact is, it takes a man to do something like that."

   "Or a man's mentality." The couple quarreled. Tatum turned to the younger twin being squished by the older one. "What do you say about this, Minnie Mouse?"

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