Chapter 2

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Red and blue illuminated the gloomy night. Sirens wailed until they reached the house in the middle of the woods. Casey's gutted body was brought down from the tree laying her in a body bag. But not before photographs were taken for evidence at the gruesome sight. Cops and paramedics, later followed by news vans, crowded the area.

Mr and Mrs. Becker had been dragged to the side, being consulted, and interrogated by the police on the incident that happened that Wednesday night.

Minnie had been taken before the reporters were able to lay an eye on her.
The missing scoop of their juicy story.

Minnie instead sat in the back of an ambulance with her twin brother sitting beside her. The rest of the girl's family had yet to know about the incident.

When asked for someone that could be with her, Minnie gave her brother's name. She knew her parents would freak out over it and make a bigger scene. Not only in the crime scene—Potentially attracting more reporters to the scene, but also at home for pulling them out of work. As for her younger sister, well, she was too young, only being 14 years old, to witness this. She was more than happy to have her twin brother with her even if she would never admit it.

Friends were an options. And she definitely considered call them. After what she'd been through, she didn't want them having the burden to be exposed to this brutal kill. Minnie'd rather see them at school where she knew she would be back to normal.

It's always the first night that the victims were dazed. Trying to make their minds catch up to the scene that unfolded in front of them. Almost every single movies was laid out that way. For Minnie, it was the same even if she'd been watching these movies her entire life.

Her mind was everywhere with questions flying around quickly blocking out the blonde's gutted corpse. She barely even thought about Casey anymore as her mind was set making up different scenarios to how this could've happened. Trying to figure this out knowing the cops almost always were the last to find the culprit and help out the victims.

But unlike the cops, the paramedics had been great help with treating Minnie to what they believed was all her injuries, the cut on her shoulder. She hid her ankle from them and every time they tried to inspect somewhere else she would divert their attention.

"I'm here now, Minnie." Her twin brother said, caressing her hair that stuck to her forehead due to the blood and sweat accumulated from the fight. She managed to catch sight of glistening tears pooling in his red eyes. His voice strong but with a single distress comment or expression from her sister and he would break.

"It's just a scratch." Minnie shrugged. Randy liked to say he was this tough guy that doesn't cry, but in reality, he was the opposite. At times he blamed it on 'twin telepathy' and said he felt everything Minnie felt. His very lame excuse for weeping whenever Minnie got hurt.

Randy snickered that sounded more of a sniffle. "Yeah and I'm Christoper Speed."

Minnie smirked. The twins got off the ambulance as the sirens picked up again. They were about to leave with the cops wrapping up the investigation for the night to let the witnesses calm down.

As the cars drove away, Randy helped Minnie to the family car. He knew of her sprained ankle and promised to help her with it. The reason they didn't let the paramedics take care of it was simple, money. They didn't have enough money to cover for the laughable hospital bill. So, Randy had to play doctor that night.

When the twins got into the car, they had a clear view of the tree Casey hung from. Minnie's mind involuntarily wondering back to the killer.

The masked person had many opportunities to kill her. He had the perfect chance to do it when creating the wound that started from her shoulder to the end of her collarbone. One big line that appeared to have been a mistake. If the killer had directed it upwards, her neck would've been sliced.

So not only a mistake but a missed opportunity.

Minnie shuddered at the thought. The thought of her very own neck pouring out blood, making a thin layer of her red vital fluids running down her body. She imaged to have the same fate as Casey if the knife did slash her throat. Her lengthy intestines that's been cramped inside her, finally having enough room to fully unravel. She pondered on the thought.

But maybe the killer was more original than to do the same display he had for Casey.

So many questions. So little answers.

But if she had to pick one question to have answered, well, it would have to be; who the hell is behind the screaming mask?

With those questions swirling around her mind she slowly started to drift off. The soft lulls of the car put her right into a deep sleep that she desperately needed after the chaotic night.


   "I'm sorry." Randy's quiet voice barely reached his sister. Minnie hummed. Her attention was solely on the TV that played 'Carrie.' It was near the end of the film, the most captivating scene in Minnie's opinion. "You shouldn't have gone through that."

They'd reached their house in just under an hour. Randy was in Minnie's room bandaging her ankle. Thankfully, Randy had experience with sprained ankles and knew exactly— or at least that's what he told Minnie, what he was doing.

Minnie shifted her gaze from the TV to her older twin brother. She shrugged laying back onto her soft bed.

"Casey is— was your friend. And then with your scar ..." He drifted off, gazing at her shoulder. Minnie had cleaned up— which was very difficult, and changed into more comfortable clothing.

"Battle scar." Minnie corrected. She sighed sitting back up. "Look, I'm upset over Casey's death, I am. I just— I prefer to skip of the grieving phase and move on. There is literally nothing I can do."

She spoke nothing but the truth. She failed to keep her friend safe and had to live with it.

The death of someone, close or not, never made an impact on her. Not a huge one at least. The only thing left from their deaths are questions she knew were far too insensitive. So careless that it might just land her in the loony-bin.

Randy sighed setting aside the supplies he'd used. He was done and only had some worries left.

Noticing the grim expression on her brother she continued. "Not unless you want to contact her."

"Absolutely not." In an instant, Randy got his spark back. He straightened up to remind his sister about the strict rules about ghost interactions. "Horror movie 101, dumbass, never—"

"Interfere or anger the dead. I know."

Randy gave her a knowing look. He refocused on the new movie that played. The intro to 'Halloween' commence.


Casey's favorite horror movie. Watching for the first few minutes with her brother, questions began to conspire in her callous mind. Taking a glance to her brother she urged her them down. Not being able to keep her mouth shut, because of the geeky side of her wanting answers, she turned to her brother.

   "The killer..." She began choosing her words carefully. "He wore this black cloak. And a white, unsettling mask. A costume basically." She leaned towards him sliding her hands down to her knees. "You think he struck now that it's nearing Halloween?"

Randy leaned in whispering, "I think you need sleep."

Minnie scoffed falling back into the pillow. "And dream about that killer? No thanks."

The girl was about to sit up when her head was pushed back down by her brother. She groaned holding her head in fear of getting another headache that day. Randy muttered a half-assed apology pulling the covers over her.

   "Could you at least turn down the volume?" Minnie sighed. Randy took the black controller and turned down the volume down exactly by one. She muttered, 'ass' before giving in to her brother's suggestion.

Psycho Killer || Scream (1996)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang