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Fred nodded, still not seeming full convinced.

"First I'd heard of it," George spoke, "but yeah go ahead, we will meet you there."

I smiled, quickly reaching up to peck George on the lips and hurry off in the direction Aros had headed.

I got through the doors, turning left down the halls, away from the dorms and towards the Professors office.

I sped down the corridor, turning right and seeing them in the distance.

I saw McGonagall shake Mr Diggory's hand, smiling before heading into her office with the rest of staff. Aros said goodbye, placing his arms behind his back as he began slowly heading up the stairs ahead of him.

I raced up, slowly down to a jog as I'd finally caught up to him, slightly out of breath.

"Mr Diggory!" I called out, with lack of breath as I reached him on the stairs.

He turned, smiling as he saw my face "Ah, Arabella! Lovely to see you again! Are you heading off to class?"

"You too! Yes I was just finishing free period, but I saw you and I'd thought I'd stop to say hello." I smiled, "what are you doing here?"

"I'd requested to see your Professor just to discuss Cedric's grades," he spoke, us walking up the stairs side by side, "I'd notice them drop slightly last term and I was hoping the school board could offer some support in keeping an eye on Cedric in light of his exams coming up."

"Of course," I nodded, secretly scanning him. He seemed to be in perfect health. He showed no signs of any weakness or illness, easily making his way up the lengthy set of stairs.

We reached the top, finding the corridors to be almost entirely empty, other than a flustered Cedric scurrying down the hall with his head down, bag on his shoulder.

"Ah, Cedric, my boy!" Aros called, Cedric's head shooting up and eyes widen once he noticed he father was not alone.

"Father," Cedric called back, meeting us in the hall, "what a surprise."

Cedric's eyes flicked to mine nervously, my brow raising into return.

"Don't worry Cedric," Aros chuckled, "You're not in trouble, I just came to check on you that's all."

"- I forgot to ask Mr Diggory," I quickly spoke, "how are you feeling after that funny turn you had not to long ago?"

Aros furrowed his brows in confusion, eyes flicking to Cedric before looking back to me.

"I mean from what Cedric told me, I'm surprised to see you out of bed so soon." I questioned.

"Well-" he stuttered, "as far as I'm aware I'm quite well dear- apologies I'm not quite sure what you're talking about?"

I raised my brows with tongue in my cheek, looking up to Cedric with slight anger in my eyes.

Cedric parted his lips to speak, but nothing came out.

Aros sensed the tension, "right well- I'd better be off- I don't want to make you kids late for your class."

"Dad, I-" Cedric stuttered.

"I will speak to you later Cedric, okay?" he spoke quietly, flashing me sympathetic eyes before headed quickly down the hallway and out of sight.

I scoffed, rolling my eyes with an angry smirk, "un-fucking-believable-"

"Arabella I can explain-"

"You gave me all that sob story in hopes that I'd what? Have sympathy for you? Get back with you?! Lord how naive am I-"

Morning Love. (George Weasley)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu