Part 19 : Are we dating?

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Sarah's POV

My eyes slowly opened and it was white ceiling that I could see.
I felt too weak to sense anything.

Glucose bottle did help. I looked at my side. Taehyung was sleeping holding my hand and keeping his head on the bed side.

I squeezed his hands.
It came out as whisper but he woke up.

"Hey, you ok?"
He said and held my cheeks. I nodded he helped me to sit straight and then sat on the stool. He asked the nurse to bring me an energy drink.

"What had happened to you all of a sudden?"

"I'll tell you that later. How is grandma?"

"Unexpectedly out of danger. Still unconscious. Doctors said her injury is healed up. And it's the first time ever happening in medical history. It was like a miracle."
I breathe out a sigh of relief.

An energy drink came for me and I drank it and felt much better.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Maybe you think, I didn't notice but I did. You were glowing..."

"It's because I apply herbal remedies on my ski-"
I tried to joke but he cut me off.

"Not like that... I mean you shined... You know what I mean, so don't joke around."
I sighed.

"Yep... There is something I need to tell yo-"

"Mr. Kim! Can we talk? It's important."
A doctor came in.

"Say it doctor."
Taehyung said.

"I guess only family should he-"

"She is a family."
He said having a firm grip over my hand.

I looked at him, my stomach doing flips. A smile came on my lips without me realising.

"Fine then."
Dr. said and entered in closing the door behind.

"Your grandma. Her injuries did heal. But her heart beat is not catching its pace. By now she should have come into consciousness..."
My heart sank hearing that. I couldn't heal her completely.

I looked at Taehyung and his face hardened with bitterness and sadness.

"We will wait till tomorrow. If she doesn't wake up, we need to perform heart surgery. And for such an old aged lady, it is dangerous... You need to sign for the consent that if anything happens to your grandma during operation, no doctor or the hospital is responsible for it."

I heard the words of the doctor and observed his facial expressions.
Both had held my heart clenching.

"Doctor... Leave us for a few."
He nodded hearing me and exited the room. I kept the drink aside and sat in front of him.

"Listen... I promised you. I will not let anything happen to your grandma. I give my word. I just need you to believe me."

"How will you do it?"
His voice cracked and his eyes welled up with tears.

This was the moment I realised, there's a small kid behind this masculine man who is emotional, sentimental and it is being protected by the manly physique and cold attitude.

And somehow I was able to see the kid behind his covering who needs to be protected by me as well. Cause now I saw it.

"It's not the right time to say that and you won't believe me."
I said and wiped his tears.

"But listen. Live your day all good. I've booked a room in the hotel right behind the hospital. You're living there for today. I'll come after my work gets over. Until then Jimin will give you company."

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