✨Side Story 29: What They Really Think ✨

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Ace scoffs. "It's not that it's changed. I have no choice," he mumbles.

"Sure, it hasn't," the man smirks. "How bout you say that mom and dad when we get home?" He says as he puts his hand on his head and ruffles his hair. "They've been waiting for us to get home for a while."

"Yeah, yeah. I hope they got a big feast waiting for me. Cafeteria food can only hold a guy so much."

"Better get it fast before I get it though."

"Hey, I've gotten faster at taking food from the table! You won't beat me this time," Ace smirks.

"Let's see about that."


"Mom, I'm home," Deuce says as he walks into the house, seeing the familiar decorations surrounding him. He relaxes, relishing the feeling that he is finally at home. He puts his bag down and starts to head towards a couch. He stops and hears footsteps and looks ahead, suddenly being embraced in a hug, making him stagger a bit.

"Oh, Deucey! I'm so happy you're here!" The woman exclaims as she holds him in a tight embrace. "Was everything okay when you came home from school? Nothing happened right? You're fine, right?"

"M-mom, I'm fine!" Deuce says as his mom let him go, giving him space to breathe. "I'm fine, so there's no need to worry. I got everything from school and nothing happened on the way here."

"That's good to hear," she says with a sigh of relief. She looks at him and give him a smile. "You've grown so much from the last time I saw you. Who knew that not seeing you for a few months would have changed you so much."

Deuce awkwardly chuckles. "It's only been a few months, mom. No need to get sentimental about it."

"I'm your mother, of course I can get sentimental when I want to," she huffs. "Anyway, you want to relax for a moment? I'm sure you're tired from heading over here from where the mirror took you."

"Yeah, that actually sounds good," Deuce says as he sits on the couch. "How's everything with grandma?"

"Oh, let me tell you about her," she says with a huff, telling him about the events that happened while he was away. He looked at his mother with a smile on her face, telling him about how the neighbor almost picked a fight with her for not recycling multiple times (the nerve of some people, she says), how she's getting along with everyone in her job, and even her friends. He listens intensively, happy at the fact that his mother was happy, with the fact that he was back and the fact that she was living a happy life. "...and yet, they had the nerve to do that! Can you believe them?" She asks.

"Yeah, mom," Deuce says with a smile.

"Anyway, enough about me, what about you?" She asks. "Are you making friends? Getting along with your upperclassmen? Getting good grades? Doing great things, right?"

"Y-yes, mom," Deuce says, looking away from her expectant eyes. "I'm actually getting along quite well with my upperclassmen in my dorm. They're really nice and help me out when I need help. Even my housewarden helps me out with my schoolwork."

"That's good to hear! I know you weren't always the best with school, but I know that when you put your mind to it, you'll do great!" She says. "And what about your friends? They're not giving you trouble, right? I've seen the pictures you sent, and they don't look like trouble, but I'm not sure...."

"They're not!" Deuce quickly says. "If anything, they help me the most!" He looks up at his phone and pulls up a picture of everyone smiling at the camera. "See? They're not bad at all. I've had good times with them and they help me with anything if I have trouble with it, aside from a few instances."

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