A Twist of Fate - VII

Start from the beginning

Perrie couldn't bottle up her emotions anymore as she let her tears freely fall from her eyes. Jade was looking at her, but the blonde couldn't bear to look at the brunette. Still, Jade never let go of Perrie's hand.

"You have a wonderful family, Perrie. Your husband is a great man. Emily is such a cool and smart kid. I don't want to be a selfish bitch and ruin your family–I don't want to be a home-wrecker."

Perrie shakes her head as she continues to cry. Jade feels devastated seeing the blonde like this. But this has to end. She kisses her hand as she holds back her own tears.

"I love you, Perrie. I always have, and I always will, but our time has come to an end. We had the best time together since we were five. We had enough time to love and care for each other. We have to close that chapter of our lives now and open a new one...separately."

Perrie sobs harder. This time, she has the courage to look at Jade with her tear-streaked face. "H–However long I had with y–you will never be e–enough, Jade."

After hearing that, Jade could no longer contain herself, and her tears also started to fall. She held Perrie's cheek and wiped her tears.

"Please, go back to Alex..." she says. "Be with your family." She then kissed Perrie's forehead before quickly getting up and taking off, leaving Perrie crying and devastated.

Jade doesn't know where to go. Her tears are far from stopping. She made it out of the park and walked briskly through the street. Fortunately for her, it wasn't a busy street. She walks without any destination in mind. She lets her feet decide where to take her.

She hasn't slept thinking about her decision. She knows she's made the right decision – a good decision even before she met up with Perrie. But...why does it feel so wrong? She has this strong urge to go back to the park to take back what she said. She shakes her head and stops herself before she makes another mistake. She continued to wander aimlessly for almost an hour.

When her tears stopped falling and she calmed down, she decided to head back to her apartment. She refused to take a cab. She wants to feel tired so when she reaches her home, she can sleep her sorrows away.

She was about to cross the road–


Jade was startled and didn't notice a car that stopped a few inches from her. When she looked up at the driver's side, it was Alex.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!!"

Her brows furrowed. "Why?"

Alex stepped out of his car and walked to the opposite side to open the door before signalling Jade to get in. Although confused, Jade got in, and Alex jogged back to his side of the car.

Alex stepped on the gas at full speed as soon as Jade was strapped in.

"Woah, woah, woah! Where are you taking me?" Jade asks.

Alex didn't answer. Instead, he called someone on his phone.

"Hey, babe! Can you cover for me tonight? I just had an emergency," he briefly glances at Jade. "Alright, thanks. I love you! Bye."

Jade's eyes widened at the mention of the word 'babe' with an 'I love you' towards the end.

"Babe? Who was that? Was it Perrie?"

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