Under Cover - IV

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A few days have passed.

Jade was on her sofa watching Netflix with a large bowl of popcorn and soda in front of her when her phone rang.

"Yes, Lee?"

"Hey, what are you up to?"

"Nothing much, just Netflix and popcorn."


"What's wrong?" Jade asked. Leigh-Anne didn't answer right away. Jade could hear the other woman shuffle a bunch of papers on the other line.

"When are you coming back to work?"

"I–I don't know. Ask your boss." Jade truthfully answered, her eyes subtly rolling. She then heard Leigh groan. "What's going on?"

"It's just...hard without you in the team, you know? You're the brain of our team, and without you – well, the other organs don't seem to function well. We're a mess here, Jade. We need you. And I don't have someone here to talk to about...you know, anything!"

"Well, I don't have a problem going back to work, but that's not up to me. And Niall is there...you can gossip with him."


"Besides, even if I wanted to come back, I can't do anything about it, Lee. I'm really sorry."

"Actually, maybe you can do something..."

"Hmm...I'm sure I'm not gonna like what you're about to suggest."

"Apologize to The Chief and Sergeant Edwards and ask them if they can give you back your badge. I'll even make an apology letter for you!"

Jade clicked her tongue, "I knew it. No! That's not gonna happen!"

"Oh, c'mon!!!"

"I'm not apologizing for something I know was the right thing to do!"

"You violated the protocol, Jade, that's not the right thing to do," Leigh-Anne reminded her.

"Well, fuck the protocol! We don't abandon our team especially when they're in the line of fire; those who follow the fucked-up protocol even if their team is in danger are lower than scums! So, no, I am not gonna apologize for something that I know was right. The hell I care if they cancel my badge permanently either!"

Leigh sighed once more, "That's what I thought..."

The line was silent for a moment and Jade wondered if Leigh-Anne had already hung-up on her. But she glanced at her phone and the timer still went on.

Jade feels terrible because she knows exactly what her best friend is feeling right now. They've been partners at work for years now, and she knows it feels insanely weird if one wasn't with the other. She felt that when Leigh went on vacation leave for a month. It took a while for her to get used to going to work without her.

As much as she knows how Leigh-Anne feels right now, there's nothing more she could do but wait for a notice from The Chief or Sergeant that they want her back to work. She's not even sure if she's ever going to be asked to come back to work, especially after her last conversation with Perrie at the parking lot.

"How's...How's Perrie?" Jade bites her tongue for a bit after finally asking the question she'd been wanting to ask. She's trying her best not to ask it, but in the end, she can't take not knowing how the blonde is doing.

Leigh scoffed, "After all what she's done to you, why do you still care?"

"I'm just asking, Lee..."

"Well...to be honest, since she suspended you, she became more reserved. The first day without you in the office, she didn't talk to anyone. She was just inside her office, working like a maniac. She comes in the morning, not bothering to respond to whoever greets her, and leaves the building without even saying goodbye to anyone, not even her own team! But..."

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