Only You - IV

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April 9, 2511

Jade arrived at the exact date that Taylor told them.

She's not like Perrie with super A.I. abilities, but she used the time device to scan and tap into the satellite to confirm that she's on the right time and place.

Right now, she's in an alleyway where there's no people around. Her problem now was how on earth was she going to find Taylor? She only mentioned in her hologram the year where she's in, she didn't give them any coordinates whatsoever.

Just as Jade got out of the alley, someone grabbed her, and pushed her to a nearby entrance of what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse. A hand covered her mouth so she couldn't scream or ask for help. The person wore a hood and mask that only showed their eyes. And when she looked up to see who her captor was, she saw electric blue eyes and a hint of blonde hair underneath the hood.

Jade's eyes grew wide while the woman cautiously removed her hand off of Jade's mouth.

"Perrie?" it came out as a whisper. Then, the woman removed her hood and mask. "Oh."

"Sorry to disappoint you, Jade." Taylor looks at her with sad, apologetic eyes. She misses her sister, too.

"No, I was just – it's just – you have the same eyes." Jade shakes her head to focus on her mission. "Wait, why are we hiding?"

"We can't be seen. We can't mess with the timeline again."

"Again? When did we mess it up?"

"I'll explain everything, but not here." Taylor looks to her left, then her right. "We can't stay here."

"Then, let's go back to 2514." Jade suggests.

"No, we can't either."

"Why not?"

"I know a place, and it's not that far from here. Let's go."


Taylor dragged Jade out of the warehouse and back out the streets. They crept their way behind the buildings, lurking in the shadows. And since the street isn't frequented by people, they didn't have a hard time getting to their destination.

They passed by a lot of narrow streets and more alleyways. When they reached a dead-end, Taylor pushed aside a rustic garbage bin. Even though she could only see a brick wall, Jade could make out an outline of a door, to what she could assume is one of Taylor's many hideouts. Then, Taylor slid out a single brick which is conveniently a biometric device of some sort that scanned her index finger.

The wall opened and revealed an entrance to a secret room. Taylor got inside first, Jade glanced behind her to make sure no one was following them before she followed.

The room was expansive. And judging by the amount of dust in the furniture that was covered in white cloth, it looks like it's been a long time since somebody occupied it. Taylor coughed a little after she removed the cover of the sofa.

Jade examined the place. She noticed there were kids' toys on display on top of an old spinet piano. There was also a picture frame of two little girls, their arms draped over the other. Behind them were fields of yellow flowers. Jade didn't notice that she was staring at the photo for a while when Taylor cleared her throat.

"That's me and Perrie in the garden of Daffodils," she explained. "She was five, I was nine. That was our last picture on Earth before we were taken to Exobase City. Perrie was too young then to remember Earth."

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