Before Dawn - IV

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Jade had just gotten out of the Casino and she's now standing at Bellagio's Porte Cochere entrance to get some fresh air and watch the iconic Fountains of Bellagio.

She'd been playing a couple of rounds with the old high rollers when she started to get bored. Leigh was busy with other casino patrons so she couldn't really pester the girl.

Jade's lost in thought as she watched the start of the water fountain show. Her thoughts often take her far and wide even if she's just in one place. She often thinks about the places she's been to, people she shared memories with, adventures she's done all on her own. She likes to reminisce on the memories of the friends she's lost, it may sound disconsolate, but she likes to remember the happy times she spent with them.

When Bad Romance started to play by the fountain, someone beside her spoke.

"You're probably thinking that I stood you up."

Jade turned to her side and wasn't expecting to see Perrie again. Thus, what the blonde just said was true. Jade didn't banked on seeing her a second time.

"I've been calling you..." Perrie paused and pursed her lips for a second. " weren't answering my calls, so I thought you're the one who stood me up." She smiles sheepishly, tucking a few strands of hair behind her ear, blushing a little.

Jade was speechless the moment Perrie showed up but after seeing the blonde's expression, she chuckled. "It isn't my thing to run away from my debts."

"And I'm here to collect." Perrie said, gazing intently and suggestively at the brunette. She pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Jade.

Then, Perrie leaned forward, startling the brunette. It didn't help that Perrie wore an white off-shoulder crop top, subtly showing off her cleavage. A thousand thoughts raced inside Jade's mind as Perrie's gorgeous face inched closer and closer to her. She might as well close her eyes and wait for the blonde's lips to touch hers.

Jade wasn't sure if she was disappointed or not when the blonde instead whispered in her ear, "Tomorrow. Don't be late."

Jade could feel the warmth of Perrie's breath lingering on her neck, and she felt something unexplainable – something odd, but it was a good kind of odd. She remained frozen and watched as the blonde sways her hips hypnotically from side to side, walking away like some model who just finished a runway show.

And there it was again – Jade's heart was beating abnormally fast. She has done a lot of adrenaline-pumping things but she has never in her thousand years felt something as phenomenal as this. She's still curious about the blonde because of the things she does to her that Jade couldn't simply explain.

When Perrie was nowhere in sight, Jade snapped out of her trance and remembered the piece of paper that the blonde handed to her moments ago. She unfolded the paper and read it.

 She unfolded the paper and read it

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