Only You - VII

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As far-fetched as it may sound, Perrie is really with her. Jade feels as though she's still dreaming. She had to pinch herself.

"Ow!" She yelped. "H-How is this possible?" Jade looks at Perrie.

Perrie just looks at her in astonishment and smiles. Jade was startled when Perrie pulled her in for a hug so tight she wished it wouldn't end. The brunette couldn't help but hug the blonde back even tighter.

They were in that position for a long time, just basking in the warmth of each other. And it seems like neither of them wants to let go.

The only time Perrie let go is so she could kiss the brunette. She captured her lips in a soft, gentle kiss. A kiss that she'd been longing for so long. A kiss that only Jade could ever fulfill. And Jade kissed her back, with so much passion and yearning. All of what they're feeling like now is ethereal and otherworldly.

Their foreheads were touching after they kissed, both of their eyes are still closed from the moment they shared. Hearts beating erratically, catching their breath for a second.

When Jade opened her eyes, Perrie was still there. She looked around them and asked, "Where are we? How am I here?"

Perrie takes Jade's hand in hers as they take a stroll down the meadow. They were like inside a forest that's full of sky-high trees and lush greenery all around. The sun was high up, and they could see its rays through the clouds. And the temperature wasn't hot or uncomfortable.

"I'm not sure about this place, but I've been here for a while now. I sometimes see people around here, but after some time, they just...disappear," Perrie explains. "I don't know where they go, or how they manage to get out. This place is like an endless forest. I tried going in every direction, but everything is the same. Except for that one place where I can see you and be with you. Other than that, it's all trees, birds, and the sun – it never sets, by the way."

"You mean, there's no nighttime here?"

"Nope. Just daytime, all day, every day," Perrie beamed, and then remembered something that made her furrowed her brows. "However, there's also one place here that seems...unnatural to me."

"What do you mean unnatural?"

"I'll show you..." Perrie dashed forward. Jade couldn't do anything but follow her lead since the blonde was holding her hand.

They were running for about ten minutes when Jade pulled Perrie's hand to stop her from running. They stopped, Perrie looked at her with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Wait..." Jade says as she panted. " rest."

"Jeez, what happened to your stamina?" Perrie questioned. "You can't do it for more than ten minutes now?"

"Shut up, Pez!" Jade lightly hits Perrie's arm.

The blonde chuckled, "I'm talking about the running!" She smirked, too bad Jade didn't see it because she was holding unto her knees while she continued to pant and take deep breaths.


"Nope. I can do infinite rounds." Perrie smirked again, only this time Jade saw it causing her to hit the blonde's arm again before stomping her way forward.

"You little minx!" She grumbled.

Perrie laughed heartily as she followed the brunette. "I'm still talking about running!"

Jade rolled her eyes, fighting the urge to smile, "Yeah, whatever!" When Jade noticed Perrie wasn't following her, she spun around, "Are you coming or what?"

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