The Aftermath - VII

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Jade scouted the city day and night, she left no stone unturned. She searched the land, high and low, she even searched the air to confirm whatever dark, demonic presence that Lucifer sensed. However, she didn't sense anything unusual at all, not even the presence of the Dark Tower. It's either her dad made a mistake or that dark presence was hiding from her. And between the two, the former is highly unlikely – Lucifer's senses were never wrong. He is, after all, the King of Hell.

She was just hovering above the clouds, watching over the city like a hawk. It's night time, and she loves the view from the top when it's dark. She was only interrupted when her bracelet vibrated. It wasn't just a simple bracelet, it's a device connected to Leigh-Anne and Taylor. It's how they send signals to Jade when there's trouble. When it vibrates, it automatically displays the coordinates of the location on the small screen of the bracelet.

Jade used the bracelet a lot when she was active being a superhero. But now, she's only wearing it for Leigh and Taylor's sake, to make sure they're always safe since they know her real identity. It's also the same reason why since her breakup with Perrie, Jade asked Taylor to stay close with Perrie. Taylor will be the point of contact between them to make sure that Perrie will be safe, too.

The brunette immediately flew to the location indicated on her bracelet. And because she's as fast as The Flash, it only took her fifteen seconds to reach Taylor's location.

She looked at her surroundings and found that she's in front of The White Lioness Pub.

"There you are! You're five seconds late!" Taylor greets her, grabbing her by the arm.


"Come on!"

Jade wasn't able to retort because Taylor was already pulling her inside the bar that was full of people. It was almost midnight, and Jade made a lot of disgusted facial expressions as she treaded past the sweaty, dancing bodies; some of them had drinks in hand that almost spilled on her. Taylor on the other hand, could care less as long as she's able to part the people ahead of her.

Once they were out of the crowd, Jade saw Perrie sitting on a wooden stool in front of the counter of the bar, drinking and talking to Jesy. The blonde didn't notice them, though, because they stopped at a corner where they could only see Perrie.

"I–I don't see any trouble in here..." Jade concluded.

"Don't wait for trouble to come, just...get her to leave this place." Taylor urged her.

"She seems to be having fun. And she's not even drunk." Jade says and was about to leave when Taylor blocked her.

"She's not fine. She's drunk, she's just good at handling it. I'm pretty sure she'll fall the moment she stands up."

"You can handle her, drive her home."

Taylor crosses her arms across her chest, "Babysitting your drunk lover isn't part of what I've signed up for." They had a staredown that showed no signs of breaking until Jade sighed – a clear indication that she lost.

Jade studied Perrie as the blonde had a conversation with Jesy. It wasn't obvious in her face that she's drunk, but her words were garbled, especially when she spoke too fast.

Even if Jade was far from Perrie, she could disregard the unnecessary noise around her and focus on one specific voice or sound she wishes to hear. Then, Anne-Marie arrived and talked to Jesy for a bit about something before the two women left Perrie alone.

As soon as Jesy and Anne-Marie left, a guy approached Perrie. And by the looks of it, he's hitting on the blonde. He even draped his hairy arms around her, but Perrie was quick to brush it off.

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