the Revel

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Jude's POV:

     Once again, Cardan threw another revel. I am forced to go because I am the Queen of Elfhame, but I have a lot of matters to attend to. So I try to convince Cardan to not let me go, but he stands his ground and refuses. I frowned slightly before walking away.

     Maybe I should try to get my work done first... Like replying to all the letters The Ghost had sent me asking me if I was the actual Queen or not. It's annoying, because Cardan had said what he'd said.

     Rushing back into my room to quickly get my job done, I bump into, Nicasia? I give her a quiet glare, and continue walking away. But she holds tightly onto my wrist, refusing to let me go.

     "Oh Jude," she says, "I know Cardan loves you. And as much as I wish to see your cold body dead in the ground, I have to tell you this. I can't hold it in my heart anymore - seeing how much--" she dramatically says, but I cut her off.

"Get to the point."

"Someone has betrayed you."

     What? Before I can ask her what she means, she runs away, leaving me alone with my confused thoughts.

     I figure that she's just trying to disturb me from my work and just trying to get in my mind. I walk into my room after a quiet walk, her words still lingering in my head.


     I groan in annoyance. I have seen the same words too many times. I feel like if I see the word 'Queen' again, I will rip everything and burn it, and the people with it.

     Someone knocks on my door, and I tell them to come in. Tatterfell walks in elegantly, and explains why she is here.

"Your majesty,"
"High King Cardan ordered me to do your hair and make-up. He has also given you a dress to wear to tonight's revel."

I nod, and give her a polite smile.


     After the long process she has come up with a fashionable look. Red lipstick as dark as blood, the dress midnight blue. It has two thin straps that connect the front of the dress with the back. It's a little uncomfortable, because it shows a lot of my skin, such as my arms, legs, back, and chest.

     Eyeshadow and eyeliner are both dark in colour, which would match Cardan. My hair has been tied loose, and my usual two horns are there, gold chains hanging on both horns to accessorize my hair.

    By the time Tatterfell is done, the revel starts in about twenty minutes. So there are a few people there already.


     As expected, there are people there already. When I open the huge door, everyone turns to me, and bows their head. A feeling of pride fills me, and I walk to the throne. Cardan is already there, and I can almost see the spark that comes into his eyes. He smiles at me, it takes a lot for my resistance not to smile back.

     The huge room is very modern-like. White pillars lined with gold on each corner of the room, and yet somehow they can add a bit of nature into this strange mix.

     A few people line up to greet us and bow to us.

     "Have I told you how hideous you look tonight?" Cardan asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No," I continue, "tell me."

"I cannot."


     Halfway through the party, The Ghost comes and tells me we need to speak privately. I follow him through the party, and through the doors, and into a small room.

     Before I can even ask what's going on, something hits me in the head. Hard. It hurts like hell. I look up at Ghost, feelings of betrayal and fear creep up to me.

Someone has betrayed you

     The words keep repeating in my head. How could he do this to me?

"Why?" I manage to blurt out before passing out

"I worked for prince Dain, not you."

I want to continue but I feel like I should end this chapter here and continue next chapter!

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